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Aliman, M. and Arnold, R. and Berger, W. and Meyer, S. LBP.MIM.P07 Simultaneos detection of scattering angles for Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy using a segmented diode-detector with dedicated High-Angled Annual Dark-Field view.


Baekke, B. and Beleggia, M. IM.5.P109 Phase shift of single-domain ferroelectric nanoparticles.

Bauerdick, S. and Nadzeyka, A. and Mazarov, P. and Bruchhaus, L. and Jede, R. IM.7.P154 Focused Ion Beam nanofabrication employing multiple Ion Species from Liquid Metal Alloy Ion Sources.

Beleggia, M. and Varon, M. and Kasama, T. and Dunin-Borkowski, R. E. and Puntes, V. and Harrison, R. J. and Frandsen, C. IM.5.106 Dipolar magnetism in nanoparticle assemblies revealed by electron holography.

Beyer, A. and Werner, K. and Haas, B. and Gries, K. I. and Volz, K. IM.1.P026 Quantitative HAADF-studies of GaP/Si-heterostructures.

Bikiaris, D. and Karavelidis, V. LBP.MIM.P04 New pegylated aliphatic polyesters as biocompatible and thermo-sensitive nano-carriers and their applications in tumor-targeting drug delivery systems.

Bikiaris, D. and Karavelidis, V. LPB.MIM.P04: New pegylatet aliphated polyesters as biocompatible and thermosensitive nana-carriers and their applications in tumor targeting drug delivery systems.

Biskupek, J. and Zoberbier, T. and Kaiser, U. and Chamberlain, T. W. and Khlobystov, A. N. and Hartel, P. and Linck, M. IM.1.P011 Electron irradiation damage in dependence of the acceleration voltage studied by CC/CS corrected HRTEM on the example of functionalized carbon nanotubes.

Bocker, C. and Rüssel, C. IM.3.062 Using hot stage scanning electron microscope for in-situ observations of the crystallization in silicate glass-ceramics.

Bok, J. and Schauer, P. IM.2.P054 Mechanism of electron-photon conversion in YAG: Ce scintillator for SEM electron detectors.

Börrnert, F. and Lubk, A. and Röder, F. and Wolf, D. and Lichte, H. IM.5.P110 Electron holography at low voltages exemplified by graphene.


Calvie, E. and Réthoré, J. and Joly-Pottuz, J. and Garnier, V. and Jorand, Y. and Issa, I. and Malchere, A. and Chevalier, J. and Masenelli-Varlot, K. IM.3.059 Development of in situ nanoindentation inside a transmission electron microscope to characterize the mechanical behavior of ceramic nanoparticles.

Cooper, D. and Rouviere, J.-L. and Dunin-Borkowski, R. E. IM.5.103 Field Mapping by Off-Axis Electron Holography: From Devices to the Detection of single Dopant Atoms.


Damsgaard, C. D. and Zandbergen, H. W. and Hansen, T. W. and Wagner, J. B. IM.3.060 TEM holder for in situ transfer.

Dass, M. IM.6.P125 Block face imaging of tissues and cells and applications for 3D reconstruction.

Deng, M. and Hrkac, V. and Gerwien, K. and Hesseler, B. and Beiroth, F. and Duppel, V. and Bensch, W. and Kienle, L. IM.3.P068 Observation of the transformation behavior of CdSe-Cr2Se3 nanoparticle composites by in-situ TEM techniques.

Donik, J. and Godec, M. and Nolan, D. IM.7.P144 The effects of different surface preparation techniques on EBSD measurements.

Duchamp, M. and den Hertog, M. and Imlau, R. and Boothroyd, C. B. and Kovacs, A. and Tavabi, A. H. and Dunin- Borkowski, R. E. IM.5.P115 Focused ion beam specimen preparation for electron holography of electrically biased thin film solar cells.


Eberlova, L. and Liska, V. and Mirka, H. and Gregor, T. and Tonar, Z. and Skala, M. and Kralickova, A. and Palek, R. and Glanc, D. and Kralickova, M. IM.6.P126 Macro - and micro - CT analysis of porcine liver microvascular corrosion casts.

Ebert, M. and Krause, M. and Höche, T. IM.7.139 Combining laser and focussed ion-beam micromachining: Target preparation to large depths and at high ablation rates.

Egoavil, R. and Tan, H. and Verbeeck, J. and Bals, S. and Smith, B. and Kuiper, B. and Rijnders, G. and Koster, G. and Van Tendeloo, G. IM.4.077 Atomic scale investigation of a PbTiO3/SrRuO3/DyScO3 heterostructure.

Ehrke, H.-U. and Valley, J. W. and Ushikubo, T. and Miller, M. K. and Takamizawa, H. and Shimizu, Y. and Gordon, L. M. and Joester, D. and Giddings, A. D. and Larson, D. J. IM.6.P134 New applications in Atom Probe Tomography.

Ensikat, H.-J. and Weigend, M. IM.7.P149 Scanning Electron Microscopy of biological samples without metal coating: Utilizing bulk conductivity for enhanced preparation flexibility.

Entrup, M. and Kohl, H. IM.4.P087 Spatially resolved EELS of FeCr layers - an example for processing TEM images with ImageJ.

Epicier, T. and Bugnet, M. and Botton, G. IM.4.P091 Detection and quantitative measurement of the number of Ybdopants in a YAG crystal at the atomic level by high resolution STEM-EELS.

Erichsen, T. and Roos, B. and Kapelle, B. and Richter, G. and Volkert, C. A. IM.3.P073 In situ tensile tests of single crystal metal nanowires inside the SEM and TEM.


Fahrenson, C. and Camin, B. and Schüler, P. and Hartz, C. and Berger, D. IM.3.P063 Tensile / Compression Module in the SEM LEO 982.

Falke, M. and Nemeth, I. IM.4.P102 Element analysis of nanostructures using EDS.

Fay, M. and La Torre, A. and Gimenez-Lopez, M. and Herreros Lucas, C. and Khlobystov, A. and Brown, P. IM.3.P070 In situ heating and tomography of gold nanoparticles on carbon structures.

Fleming, Y. and Wirtz, T. and Gérard, M. and Philipp, P. and Gysin, U. and Glatzel, T. and Meyer, E. and Maier, U. and Wegmann, U. IM.6.P135 Combined SIMS-SPM instrument for high sensitivity and high resolution elemental 3D analysis.

Forbes, B. and D'Alfonso, A. and Williams, R. and Rajagopalan, S. and Fraser, H. and McComb, D. and Freitag, B. and Klenov, D. and Allen, L. IM.4.078 Contribution of thermally scattered electrons to atomic resolution elemental maps.

Frank, L. and Nebesarova, J. and Vancova, M. and Patak, A. and Mullerova, I. LBP.MIM.P13 Biological STEM with very slow electrons.


Gebhardt, J. C. M. and Suter, D. M. and Roy, R. and Zhao, Z. W. and Chapman, A. R. and Basu, S. and Maniatis, T. and Xie, X. S. IM.2.043 Single molecule imaging and quantification in the cell nucleus by reflected light sheet microscopy.

Gec, M. and Krivec, M. and Žagar, K. and Suhadolnik, L. and Jenko, D. and Dražić, G. and Čeh, M. IM.7.P146 Comparison of TEM lamella preparation techniques on titania nanotube-arrays / metal Ti interface.

Gemmi, M. and Galanis, A. and Nikolopoulos, S. IM.1.P030 Stucture determination with novel ultra-fast automated TEM 3D precession electron diffraction tomography technique.

Genz, F. and Niermann, T. and Lehmann, M. IM.2.P046 Comparison of 2- and 3-Condenser Illumination in Off-axis Electron Holography.

Gluch, J. and Jung, C. and Röntzsch, L. and Zschech, E. IM.6.P132 Whisker like oxide formation and its growth mechnism on pure iron nano powder.

Gonnissen, J. and den Dekker, A. J. and De Backer, A. and Sijbers, J. and Van Aert, S. IM.1.P010 Atomic number estimation from STEM images: what are the limits?

Gontard, L. C. and Dunin-Borkowski, R. E. and Kasama, T. LBP.IM.P01 Electrostatic properties of insulators in three-dimensions using transmission electron holography tomography.

Goris, B. and Bals, S. and Van Tendeloo, G. IM.6.P129 Electron tomography of Au nanorods at the atomic scale.

Gregan, J. and Tolic-Norrelykke, I. and Cimini, D. LBP.MIM.P03 Molecular architecture and mechanical properties of the kinetochore: a biophysical approach.

Grieb, T. and Müller, K. and Cadel, E. and Fritz, R. and Talbot, E. and Schowalter, M. and Volz, K. and Rosenauer, A. IM.1.P024 Determination of In and N concentration in (InGa)(NAs) quantum wells using HAADF STEM and investigation of annealing effects.

Grieb, T. and Müller, K. and Fritz, R. and Grillo, V. and Schowalter, M. and Volz, K. and Rosenauer, A. IM.1.P008 Avoiding surface strain field induced artifacts in 2d chemical mapping of dilute GaNAs quantum wells by HAADF STEM.


Hambach, R. and Biskupek, J. and Löffler, S. and Motsch, V. and Schattschneider, P. and Kaiser, U. IM.4.P086 Towards real-space mapping of valence states using core-loss EFTEM imaging.

Hanzig, F. and Veselý, J. and Motylenko, M. and Leuteritz, A. and Mähne, H. and Mikolajick, T. and Rafaja, D. IM.4.P090 Composition profiles across the metal-Nb2O5-metal stacks for resistive switching as studied by EDX and EELS.

Hashimoto, Y. and Matsuzaki, T. and Ito, H. and Konno, M. and Takeuchi, S. IM.2.P055 High contrast Imaging of surface morphology and composition by using Energy-Filtered BSE.

Hassel-Shearer, M. and Hosman, T. and Pakzad, A. and Spence, C. IM.7.P150 Developments in Broad Argon Beam Systems to Complement Developments in TEMs and SEMs.

Haumann, D. and van Wezel, J. and Pampaloni, F. and Mattheyer, C. and Stelzer, E. H. K. and Pfeiffer, S. LBP.MIM.P11 Multidimensional image analysis with a flexible sequence of operators and cluster computing.

Hetaba, W. and Willinger, M.-G. and Schuster, M. E. and Löffler, S. and Schlögl, R. and Schattschneider, P. IM.4.P094 Site-specific ionisation edge fine-structure in the electron microscope.

Hettler, S. and Wagner, J. and Dries, M. and Frindt, N. and Schröder, R. R. and Gerthsen, D. IM.2.041 Electrostatic Zach phase plates for transmission electron microscopy.

Hinderks, D. and Kohl, H. IM.4.P085 Calculations of elastic and inelastic scattering processes of relativistic electrons in oriented crystals.

Hosoi, S. and Otani, M. and KUmagai, K. and Kotera, M. IM.5.P111 Measurement and simulation of fogging electrons in a scanning electron microscope.

Höhn, K. and Anders-Össwein, M. and Kranz, C. and Müller, B. and Walther, P. and Kräusslich, H.-G. LBP.MIM.P10 3D visualization of HIV-1 in mature dendritic cells.


Janzen, R. and Burkhardt, S. and Fehlner, P. and Späth, T. and Haider, M. IM.2.P047 The SPANOCH method: A key to establish aberration correction in miniaturized (multi)column systems?

Janzen, R. and Koch, C. and Schönhense, G. and Parvizi, A. IM.2.040 Monochromatizing without filtering using dynamic fields without bunching: A new concept for d-TEM illumination.

Jiruse, J. and Lencova, B. and Rudolf, M. and Bartosik, M. and Liskova, Z. and Neuman, J. and Sikola, T. IM.3.P071 Multifunctional tool FIB-SEM-SPM and its application for electron and ion beam lithography.

Jiruše, J. and Havelka, M. and Polster, J. and Lopour, F. IM.2.P048 New high-resolution low-voltage scanning electron microscope.

Jooss, C. and Raabe, S. and Mierwaldt, D. and Ciston, J. and Yazdi, S. and Kasama, T. and Beleggia, M. and Wagner, J. B. and Hansen, T. W. and Zhu, Y. and Bl, P. IM.3.056 Environmental TEM study of manganite perovskite electro-catalysts for oxygen evolution.


Kawamoto, N. and Tang, D. and Mori, T. and Mitome, M. and Bando, Y. and Golberg, D. IM.3.P069 Local temperature measurement by introducing a piezodriven constantan-chromel nanothermocouple in TEM.

Kiss, A: K. and Rauch, E. and Nicolopoulos, S. and Lábár, J. IM.1.P017 HRTEM investigation of grain boundaries starting from orientation maps.

Kleindiek, S. and Schock, K. and Zaefferer, S. IM.6.P136 A compact solution for Eucentric Positioning inside the FIB/SEM.

Klingl, A. and Debus, M. and Märte, D. IM.7.P147 Osmium, epon and immunogold labeling - friend or foe?

Knápek, A. and Pokorná, Z. LBP.IM.P08 Algorithm for Analysis of a Data Cube of Electron Micrographs.

Koch, C. T. and Van den Broek, W. IM.6.122 Non-linear electron tomography.

Koch, C. T. and Wang, F. IM.1.005 Towards automated solving of the dynamic inversion problem in electron diffraction for moderately thick crystals.

Kohstall, C. and Klopfer, B. and Francis, J. and Kealhofer, C. and Skulason, G. and Juffmann, T. and Kasevich, M. LBP.IM.P03 Developing a Quantum Electron Microscope - employing the Interaction-Free Measurement to Reduce Radiation Damage.

Kolb-Lenz, D. and Radovic, B. and Leitinger, G. and Kratky, D. IM.6.P130 3D reconstruction of lipid droplets in lipase deficient macrophages.

Kondo, Y. and Endo, N. LBP.IM.P07 Strain measurement of semiconductor device by moiré fringes in STEM.

Konvalina, I. and Müllerová, I. LBP.IM.P09 Collection of signal electrons in Low Energy SEM.

Kotera, M. and Otani, M. and Hosoi, S. and Kumagai, M. IM.5.105 Charging process simulation of PMMA film on Si substrate irradiated by electron beam.

Krause, F. F. and Müller, K. and Zillmann, D. and Jansen, J. and Schowalter, M. and Rosenauer, A. IM.1.P022 Comparison of intensity and absolute contrast of simulated and experimental high-resolution transmission electron microscopy images for differerent multislice simulation methods.

Kreyenschulte, C. and Kohl, H. IM.1.P013 The power spectrum of an EFTEM image recorded with low intensity levels.

Krivanek, O. and Lovejoy, T. and Bacon, N. and Corbin, G. and Murfitt, M. and Dellby, N. IM.2.039 Advances in monochromators and aberration correctors.

Kumagai, K. and Otani, M. and Hosoi, S. and Kotera, M. IM.5.P112 Measurements of surface potential distribution at FEP resist film on a conductive substrate irradiated by electron beam.

Kunze, K. and Sologubenko, A. and Ma, H. and Spolenak, R. LBP.MS.P01 Orientation contrast imaging and crystallographic orientation mapping using transmission Kikuchi diffraction in the SEM.


Latychevskaia, T. and Longchamp, J.-N. and Escher, C. and Fink, H.-W. IM.2.042 On the reconstruction of ultra low-energy electron holograms and diffraction patterns.

Lazic, I. and De Carlo, S. and Matadeen, R. LBP.IM.P04 Multi-CTF decomposition of the power spectrum of the zero-loss energy filtered and non-filtered images of amorphous carbon films.

LeBeau, J. M. and Findaly, S. D. IM.1.001 The influence of detector non-uniformity on STEM imaging.

Leapman, R.D. and Zhang, J. and Diamond, J.S. and Chen, X. and Reese, T.S. and Sousa, A.A. Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and analytical electron microscopy of biological and nano materials.

Lee, Z. and Rose, H. and Hambach, R. and Wachsmuth, P. and Kaiser, U. IM.4.P100 Influence of inelastic scattering on EFTEM images - exemplified on graphene and silicon at 20kV.

Lehmann, M. and Genz, F. and Hömpler, U. and Kießling, F. and Niermann, T. and Park, J. B. IM.1.002 Electron holography for characterization of semiconductor structures down to the atomic scale.

Lenk, A. and Börrnert, F. and Sturm, S. and Wolf, D. and Röder, F. and Lubk, A. and Lichte, H. IM.5.P114 Measurement of the electrostatic potential distribution in an in-situ biased p-type silicon field effect transistor using the combination of a Nanofactory-TEM-holder and Electron Holography.

Lepinay, K. and Lorut, F. and Pantel, R. and Epicier, T. IM.6.117 STEM-EDX nano-tomography in a TEM.

Li, Y.-T. and Zhou, H. and Qu, L.-L. and Li, D.-W. and Long, Y.-T. IM.2.044 Direct exploring the electron transfer of Cytochrome c by electrochemically modulated multichannel microscopy.

Liebel, A. and Eckhardt, R. and Niculae, A. and Soltau, H. IM.2.P049 A new design for solid state backscattered electron detectors providing improved image contrast and detection speed.

Lindner, J. and Kemper, R. M. and As, D. J. and Meertens, D. and Kovács, A. and Luysberg, M. and Tillmann, K. IM.4.P088 Characterization of cubic GaN/AlN multi-quantum wells using stateof- the-art analytical STEM.

Lotnyk, A. and Poppitz, D. and Gerlach, J. and Rauschenbach, B. IM.7.P148 Low-energy Ar+-polishing of FIB prepared GaN-SiC interfaces for Cs-corrected STEM.

Loza, K. and Kozlova, D. and Epple, M. LBP.MIM.P08 Visualization of cell-nanoparticle interactions by scanning electron microscopy.

Lucas, G. and Vieh, C. and Hébert, C. IM.4.P098 Multivariate Statistical Analysis applied to EFTEM spectrum images of helium bubbles in implanted steel.

Löffler, S. and Motsch, V. and Hetaba, W. and Hambach, R. and Biddau, G. and Pardini, L. and Draxl, C. and Kaiser, U. and Schattschneider, P. IM.4.P093 Towards mapping atomic orbitals in the TEM.


Ma, Y. and Oleynikov, P. and Terasaki, O. and Yoon, K. B. IM.1.P006 Structural analysis of ETS-10 with 3D electron diffraction tomography and electron microscopy observations.

Martinez, G.T. and De Backer, A. and Shi, H. and Schryvers, D. and Rosenauer, A. and Verbeeck, J. and Van Aert, S. IM.1.P027 Statistical parameter estimation theory as a tool for quantitative HAADF STEM.

Matavulj, M. and Karaman, M. and Radnović, D. and Molitoris, H.P. LBP.MIM.P02 Sem Of Microbial Degradation Of Biopol® -Based Plastic Materials In Wastewater Purification Plant.

Matavulj, M. and Radnović, D. and Karaman, M. and Molitoris, H.P. LBP.MIM.P01 Sem of in Situ Microbial degradation of Biopol® -based plastic materials.

Matsko, N. and Schmidt, F. and Letofsky-Papst, I. and Albu, M. and Rudenko, A. and Mittal, V. IM.4.P097 Plasmon to carbon ratio imaging (PCR): In situ determination and imaging of physical properties of organic materials by TEM.

Mayrhofer, C. and Zankel, A. and Plank, H. and Kothleitner, G. IM.7.P145 Tips and tricks in Ultramicrotomy.

Merkle, A. and Gelb, J. and Lavery, L. IM.6.P137 Recent Advancements in Laboratory X-ray Microscopes for 3D to 4D Imaging and Analysis.

Mesman, R. IM.7.143 High-pressure freezing of adherent cells for frozen hydrated sectioning; a novel method.

Metscher, B. and Merkle, A. and Müller, G. IM.6.P127 3D X-ray microscopy for life sciences applications: high-resolution multiscale imaging of micro-anatomy, organismal diversity, and molecular expression.

Meyer, J. and Kotakoski, J. and Mangler, C. IM.1.P037 Atomic structure from low-dose exposures via maximum likelihood reconstructions - A new route to circumvent radiation damage.

Michen, B. and Vanhecke, D. and Rothen-Rutishauser, B. and Petri-Fink, A. IM.7.P151 Preventing aggregation of nanoparticles during the drying procedure for TEM sample preparation.

Mika, F. and Novotny, P. and Konvalina, I. IM.1.P018 Imaging with a STEM detector, experiments vs. simulation.

Minnich, B. and Margiol, S. and Frysak, J. and Bernroider, E. W. N. IM.6.118 Vascular geometry and optimality calculation by 3D morphometry SEM analysis.

Mirsaidov, U. and Bhattacharya, D. and Matsudaira, P. IM.3.057 Nanoscale Dynamics in Liquids visualized with TEM.

Mudry, E. and Rosenauer, A. and Verbeeck, J. and Van Aert, S. IM.6.121 Three-dimensional particle reconstruction by depth sectioning in scanning transmission electron microscopy.

Müller, K. and Ryll, H. and Ordavo, I. and Zillmann, D. and Schowalter, M. and Zweck, J. and Soltau, H. and Ihle, S. and Strüder, L. and Volz, K. and Potapov, P. and Rosenauer, A. IM.1.004 Strain Analysis by Nano-Beam Electron Diffraction (SANBED): Present performance and future prospects.


Niculae, A. and Bornschlegl, M. and Eckhardt, R. and Herrmann, J. and Jeschke, S. and Krenz, G. and Liebel, A. and Lutz, G. and Soltau, H. and Strüder, L. IM.4.P095 Next generation of SDD detectors for ultra-fast, high-resolution EDS in microanalysis.

Niermann, T. and Lehmann, M. IM.1.P007 Averaging scheme for the reconstruction of atomic resolution offaxis electron hologram.


Oleynikov, P. and Mayence, A. and Navarro, J. and Ma, Y. and Bergström, L. and Terasaki, O. IM.1.P036 3D Automated Electron Diffraction Tomography for nanomaterials.


Papini1, A. and Belli, M. and Tani, C. and Di Falco, P. and Santosuosso, U. The use of a color palette for TEM images to recognize cuticular channels in the epidermis of Litchi chinensis (Sapindaceae).

Park, M. Y. and Majert, S. and Kohl, H. IM.1.P016 Influence of the delocalization of inner-shell excitations on atomicresolution elemental maps.

Patzig, C. and Ikeno, H. and Hu, Y. and Tanaka, I. and Höche, T. IM.4.P084 Coordination fingerprinting using EELS and XANES: experiments and ab initio multiplet calculations.

Pennington, R. S. and Koch, C. T. IM.1.P025 A modified Bloch-wave approach for dynamical scattering to limited order for structurally complex specimens.

Persson, J. M. and Wagner, J. B. IM.1.P034 Investigating nanostructure heterojunctions using nanobeam electron diffraction.

Phifer, D. and Pecher, J. and Valasek, P. and Petrek, M. and Vystavel, T. IM.6.P128 Angular BSE Filtering for Topographic Information.

Pohl, D. and Schultz, L. and Rellinghaus, B. IM.1.P031 Surface-near lattice relaxation in single crystalline Au nanoparticles.

Pokorna, Z. and Knápek, A. LBP.IM.P10 Scanning Low Energy Electron Microscopy for the determination of crystallographic orientation of polycrystalline metal grains.

Prill, T. and Schladitz, K. and Jeulin, D. IM.6.119 Simulation of the FIB-SEM Imaging Process and Segmentation of FIB-SEM Data Sets.

Pritschet, A. and Zweck, J. IM.5.P116 Fabrication and investigation of electrostatic condenser twin aperture for EMCD experiments.


Qi, H. and Kinyanjui, M. K. and Biskupek, J. and Geiger, D. and Habermeier, H.-U. and Keimer, B. and Jin, L. and Jia, C. IM.1.P014 High-resolution TEM investigation of an epitaxially strained LaNiO3/LaMO3 superlattice.


Radmilović, V. R. Core/shell Nanostructures Embedded in Solid.

Ramasse, Q. M. and Kepaptsoglou, D. M. and Seabourne, C. R. Probing materials one atom at a time with low-voltage scanning transmission electron microscopy.

Ramasse, Q. M. and Kepaptsoglou, D. M. and Seabourne, C. R. and Zan, R. and Schaffer, B. and Bangert, U. and Scott, A. J. and Azough, F. and Freer, R.. IM.4.075 Probing materials one atom at a time with low-voltage scanning transmission electron microscopy.

Ran, K. and Rösner, B. and Fink, R. and Spiecker, E. IM.3.061 In situ characterization of Ag-TCNQ nanowires.

Rattenberger, J. and Schroettner, H. and Wagner, J. and Hofer, F. IM.3.P067 X-ray microanalysis in the environmental or variable pressure scanning electron microscope.

Reingruber, H. and Zankel, A. and Poelt, P. IM.3.P064 In situ characterization of microfiltration membranes in the ESEM - Results and limitations.

Roussel, L. and Sluyterman, S. and Bosch, E. and Gestmann, I. IM.2.P050 New detection methods for fast analysis of nano-particles.

Rubanov, S. and Suvorova, A. and Popov, V. and Kupriyanov, I. and Pal'yanov, Y. LBP.MIM.P09 TEM Characterisation of Graphitisation Process of Amorphous Layers in Ion Implanted Diamond.

Rutkowski, B. and Malzbender, J. and Beck, T. and Czyrska-Filemonowicz, Czyrska-Filemonowicz IM.4.P092 Microstructure instability of the Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3"12;4 dense ceramic membranes.

Ryll, H. and Müller, K. and Ihle, S. and Soltau, H. and Ordavo, I. and Liebel, A. and Hartmann, R. and Rosenauer, A. and Strüder, L. IM.1.P029 A new direct electron imaging camera for transmission electron microscopy based on an ultrafast pnCCD.

Röder, F. and Lichte, H. IM.2.P053 Density matrix reconstruction by off-axis electron holography.

Röder, F. and Wolf, D. and Körner, M. and Fritzsche, M. and Lenz, K. and Lindner, J. and Fassbender, J. and Lichte, H. IM.5.107 Electron holography on ripple-shaped magnetic permalloy thin films.


Salge, T. and Turan, S. and Kara, A. and Yurdakul, H. and Tunckan, O. and Klimek, L. and Pritzel, D. and H, I. and Nemeth, I. and Falke, M. IM.4.P101 Characterization of Ancient and Modern Ceramics using EDS with Silicon Drift Detectors on SEM and TEM.

Santarella-Mellwig, R. IM.7.141 CLEM Workflow in an Electron Microscopy Facility.

Sasajima, M. and Koyama, K. and Sakamoto, N. and Takeuchi, S. and Sato, H. IM.2.P045 Low voltage STEM observation in the latest FE-SEM.

Sato, H. and Takeuchi, S. and Takagi, O. and Schmidt, R. IM.2.P052 The latest innovation on FE-SEM and its applications.

Schachinger, T. and Löffler, S. and Stöger-Pollach, M. and Steiger-Thirsfeld, A. and Schattschneider, P. IM.5.108 Electron vortex propagation in the magnetic lens field.

Schmid, H. and Longo, P. and Mader, W. IM.4.P096 Characterization of nanostructured materials by structural and spectroscopic imaging in Cs-corrected TEM/STEM.

Schmidt, C. and van Wezel, J. and Günay, G. and Pfeiffer, S. LBP.MIM.P12 Big data in microscopy.

Schneider, G. and Guttmann, P. and Werner, S. and Rehbein, S. Nanoscale X-ray Tomography of Cells.

Schowalter, M. and Stoffers, I. and Krause, F. and Mehrtens, T. and M, K. and Fandrich, M. and Aschenbrenner, T. and Hommel, D. and Rosenauer, A. IM.1.P028 Composition determination using HAADF-STEM in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures revisited.

Schulmeyer, I. and Kienle, M. IM.2.P051 Expanding the boundaries of FIB-SEM technology: Developments for best application results.

Sickmann, J. and Geisler, H. and Würfel, A. and Engelmann, H.-J. and Lichte, H.. IM.1.P033 Mapping strain fields in semiconductor nanodevices by dark-field off-axis electron holography and nano-beam diffraction.

Sigle, W. and Koch, C. T. and Ögüt, B. and Talebi, N. and van Aken, P. A. IM.4.P082 Peak mapping in EFTEM.

Singh, P. and Zimmermann, S. and Waechtler, T. and Schulze, S. and Schulz, S. and Hietschold, M. IM.4.P099 Energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy: a tool to characterize side-wall damage in the low-k inter-metal dielectric.

Sintorn, I.-M. and Nordström, R. and Haag, L. and Coufalova, E. and Drsticka, M. LBP.IM.P06 Factors influencing high quality low voltage TEM imaging of biological routinely stained specimen.

Slówko, W. and Krysztof, M. IM.3.P065 Multi-detector system for 3D imaging in the variable pressure and environmental conditions.

Slówko, W. and Krysztof, M. IM.3.P066 Three dimensional imaging with combined electron detector in the Variable Pressure / Environmental SEM.

Spallek, S. and Krantz, J. and Kubis, P. and Holzmair, J. and Butz, B. and Christiansen, S. and Brabec, C. J. and Spiecker, E. IM.5.104 Voltage Contrast in SEM for revealing charge transport through silver nanowire transparent electrodes.

Stelzer, E. H. K. Shifting the paradigm in modern light microscopy: Light Sheet-based Fluorescence Microscopy (LSFM, SPIM, DSLM).

Studer, D. and Gorski, J. P. and Hillmann-Marti, T. and Klein, A. and Iacovache, M.-I. and Gnaegi, H. and Zuber, B. Cryofixation of biological specimens 13 electron spectroscopic imaging of calcium and phosphorus of osteoblastic cell cultures and an elegant way to produce section ribbons with the help of a newly developed micromanipulator.

Sturm, S. and Wolf, D. and Lubk, A. and Lenk, A. and Lichte, H. IM.5.P113 Holographic Tomography of Fermi Level Pinning at Focussed Ion Beam Milled Surfaces.

Stöger-Pollach, M. IM.4.079 Optimization of experimental parameters for minimizing the inelastic delocalization in low loss EELS experiments utilizing Low- Voltage EELS.

Sudfeld, D. and Jinschek, J. R. IM.3.P072 Atomic-scale Observation of Catalysts in their Functional State using aberration-corrected Environmental Transmission Electron Microscopy (ETEM).

Sudfeld, D. and Yücelen, E. and Freitag, B. IM.1.P015 Quantitative HR-TEM studies on BaNaNbO Crystal with aberration corrected focus series reconstruction.

Suga, M. and Nishiyama, H. and Konyuba, Y. and Sato, C. LBP.IM.P05 Atmospheric scanning electron microscope (ASEM) with open sample space observes evaporation processes.

Sáfrán, G. Calibration of HRTEM for lattice parameter measurements in nanocrystals.

Sáfrán, G. IM.1.P038 Calibration of HRTEM for lattice parameter measurements in nanocrystals.


Tacke, S. and Krzyzanek, V. and Reichelt, R. and Klingauf, J. IM.7.142 A cryo high-vacuum shuttle for (correlative) cryogenic electron microscopy.

Tamura, G. and Mirsaidov, U. and Matsudaira, P. IM.3.P074 Preventing charging of liquid cell silicon nitride windows for phase contrast in situ TEM.

Tavabi, A. H. and Arai, S. and Duchamp, M. and Muto, S. and Tanji, T. and Dunin-Borkowski, R. E. IM.4.P089 Electron beam induced reduction of cerium in pure, mixed and doped ceria.

Tegunov, D. and Braun, N. and Weinkauf, S. IM.6.P123 Sparta: A Single Particle Analysis Toolbox Built Around Speed and Interactivity.

Thomas, J. and Gemming, T. and Ramm, J. IM.4.P083 Density measurement in thin layers by electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS).

Tyutyunnikov, D. and Koch, C. and van Aken, P. IM.6.P133 Resolution Extension in Missing-wedge-free Dark-field Tomography.


Ubyivovk, E. and Petrov, Y. and Vyvenko, O. and Bouravleuv, A. and Cirlin, G. IM.7.P152 Sub-10 nm nanomodification of GaAs nanowires with Helium ion microscope.

Urban, K. and Mayer, J. and Allen, L. IM.4.076 FTEM at atomic resolution in the chromatic-aberration corrected transmission electron microscope.


Van Dyck, D. and Jinschek, J. R. and Kisielowski, C. and Chen, F. R. IM.1.003 From 2D exit wave to 3D atomic structure.

Van Dyck, D. and Lobato Hoyos, I. and Lücken, U. and Stark, H. IM.1.P035 High-Resolution incoherent imaging in a Cs corrected electron microscope: A new tool for High -Resolution Electron Tomography in life science.

Van den Broek, W. and Koch, C. T. IM.1.P019 Towards an experimental realization of inverse dynamical electron scattering.

Volkenandt, T. and Müller, E. and Pfaff, M. and Gerthsen, D. IM.1.P020 Sample thickness determination by low-energy scanning transmission electron microscopy.

van Mierlo, W. and Robins, A. C. and Kaiser, U. IM.7.140 Using the X2-Holder to Create Thin TEM-lamella by FIB.


Wachsmuth, P. and Hambach, R. and Kinyanjui, M. and Benner, G. and Kaiser, U. IM.4.080 Momentum-resolved electron energy-loss spectroscopy of freestanding single- and multi-layered graphene.

Wagner, J. and Zankel, A. and Reingruber, H. and Mayrhofer, C. and Schroettner, C. and Rattenberger, J. IM.7.138 Diamond knife versus Gallium Ions.

Walther, R. and M, E. and Schneider, R. and Gerthsen, D. IM.4.081 Accessing low-energy cavity modes in rectangular slits in a thin Au film by STEM-EELS in combination with the Richardson-Lucy algorithm.

Wang, F. and Pennington, R. and Koch, C. IM.1.P012 GPU-accelerated Bloch wave calculation for quantitative structure factor determination.

Wang, G. and Yang, Y. LBP.MIM.P06 Microscopy study of graphene oxide based multilayer microcapsules and cell uptake.

Wimmer, A. and Leitner, A. and Detzel, T. and Robl, W. and Heinz, W. and Pippan, R. and Dehm, G. IM.3.058 Static and dynamic behavior of freestanding Cu micron lines observed by in situ EBSD.

Winter, B. and Novák, V. and Ortel, E. and Butz, B. and Paul, B. and Kočí, P. and Marek, M. and Kraehnert, R. and Spiecker, E. IM.6.P131 STEM tomography investigation within a combined optimization approach of mesoporous titania used as catalyst support.

Winter, B. and Schornbaum, J. and Butz, B. and Schießl, S. P. and Zaumseil, J. and Spiecker, E. IM.6.120 Combined STEM tomography and HRTEM analysis of PbSe-carbon nanotube hybrid structures.


Yamazaki, T. and Soeda, T. and Kotaka, Y. IM.1.P023 Parameter optimization of the Bloch wave method in the frozen lattice approximation.


Zheden, V. and Kovalev, A. and Grunwald, I. and Gorb, S. and Klepal, W. MIM.5.070 The cement float: morphology, biochemistry and mechanical properties of the cement of the barnacle Dosima fascicularis (Crustacea, Cirripedia Thoracica).

Zhou, D. and Sigle, W. and Rosenauer, A. and van Aken, P. A. IM.1.P009 Study of annular bright-field imaging of light elements in scanning transmission electron microscopy by computer simulation: case study of lithium in LiFePO4.

Zweck, J. and Lazar, S. and Freitag, B. and Vogel, M. C. S. and Mewes, C. K. A. and Lohr, M. and Bauer, B. and Thalmair, J. and Pritschet, A. IM.1.P032 Charge density within a unit cell of GaN imaged withsub-Ångstrøm resolution by differential phase contrast microscopy.


Čapek, M. and Hadraba, D. and Lišková, J. and Michálek, J. and Radochová, B. and Janáček, J. IM.6.P124 Using entropy for evaluation of colocalization of multimodal and multichannel microscopic images.

This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 16:57:08 2025 CET.