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Al-Fadhalah, K. and Almazrouee, A. and Alhajeri, S. and Langdon, T. LBP.MS.P13 EBSD study on the evolution of microstructure in pure copper after processing by high-pressure torsion.

Al-Tameemi, M. LBP.MS.P03 Laser surface melting of 6.5 wt% yttria partially stabilized zirconia.

Albu, M. and Li, J. and Kothleitner, G. and Schumacher, P. and Hofer, F. MS.6.P176 High resolution STEM analysis of Sr and Yb in Al - 5wt.% Si alloys.

Alkan, A. and Gümüş, S. and Atapek, Ů and Polat, Ů MS.6.P183 Stress corrosion cracking in AA5083 mold material used for curing rubber compounds.

Aminahmadi, B. and Idrissi, H. and Delmelle, R. and Pardoen, T. and Proost, J. and Schryvers, D. MS.4.P104 First high resolution transmission electron microscopy characterization of fcc→9R transformation in nanocrystalline palladium films due to hydriding.

Apreutesei, M. and Steyer, P. and Joly-Pottuz, L. and Billard, A. and Sanchette, F. and Esnouf, C. MS.5.P138 TEM microstructural characterization of co-sputtered Zr-Cu thin films metallic glasses.


Bagmut, A. MS.5.118 On the Huygens principle and crystallization of thin amorphous films according to “in situ” transmission electron microscopy data.

Barucca, G. and Santecchia, E. and Mengucci, P. and Tiberi, E. and Di Mundo, R. and d'Agostino, R. and Palumbo, F. MS.5.P139 Silicon nanostructures produced by self-masked plasma etching.

Bejtka, K. and Chiodoni, A. and Fontana, M. and Ottone, C. and Farías, V. and Cauda, V. and Pirri, C. F. MS.3.P074 Characterization of ZnO nanowire arrays obtained using a template assisted approach.

Bejtka, K. and Chiodoni, A. and Lamberti, A. and Garino, N. and Bianco, S. and Ambrosio, E. and Quaglio, M. and Pirri, C. F. MS.2.022 BaTiO3 nanotube arrays by hydrothermal conversion of highly ordered TiO2 nanotube carpets.

Bejtka, K. and Chiodoni, A. and Motto, P. and Rattalino, I. and Piccinini, G. and Demarchi, D. and Pirri, C. F. MS.5.P152 In-situ inspection of nanogap structures fabrication by electromigration.

Betzler, S. B. and Folger, A. M. and Wisnet, A. and Falkowski, V. and Weickert, J. and Schmidt-Mende, L. and Scheu, C. MS.4.P101 Electron microscopy investigation of TiO2 rutile nanowires for application in hybrid solar cells.

Birajdar, B. and Kraschewski, S. M. and Antesberger, T. and Stutzmann, M. and Rosner, P. and Gannott, F. and Zaumseil, J. and Spiecker, E. MS.5.P149 In situ and analytical transmission electron microscopy: mechanism of material transport and crystallization during the metal induced layer exchange (MILE).

Bonatto Minella, A. and Pohl, D. and Erni, R. and Rümmeli, M. H. and Täschner, C. and Schultz, L. and Rellinghaus, B. MS.7.195 Synthesis and structural properties of SiC nanowires encapsulated in carbon nanotubes.

Bornhöfft, M. and Benke, J. and Kaldenbach, A. and Wuttig, M. and Mayer, J. MS.5.119 In situ and ex situ transmission electron study of the crystallization kinetics of Ag4In3Sb67Te26.

Bouazza, M. and Boucheta, A. and Becheri, T. MS.3.P061 In this article, thermal buckling stability analysis of moderately thick functionally graded rectangular and square plate is studied. The equilibrium and stability equations are derived using two variable refined plate theory.

Bursik, J. MS.6.P167 Rectification of EBSD results from large scale maps.

Buršík, J. and Jirásková, Y. MS.3.P051 SEM study of microstructure of Fe-Mo powders prepared by ball milling.


Chakravadhanula, V. S. K. and Kübel, C. and Zhang, K. and Nminibapiel, D. and Tangirala, M. and Baumgart, H. and Kochergin, V. MS.4.P103 TEM Investigation of Bi2Te3/Sb2Te3 Nanolaminate Structures Synthesized by Atomic Layer Deposition.

Chekhonin, P. and Engelmann, J. and Gemming, T. and Holzapfel, B. and Rellinghaus, B. and Oertel, C.-G. and Skrotzki, W. MS.5.P145 Substrate strain measurements by convergent beam electron diffraction in epitaxially grown Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 thin films.

Chen, Z. and Sigle, W. and Cao, G. and Ma, C. and Yang, H. and Li, J. and van Aken, P. A. MS.3.P043 Linking EELS studies of multiferroic Ca-doped BiFeO3 with theoretical DFT calculations.

Chiodini, S. and Straub, A. and Donati, S. and Borgatti, F. and Albonetti, C. and Biscarini, F. MS.1.001 In-situ Dynamic SPM Studies of Organic Semiconductor Thin Film Growth on Test Patterns.

Chiodini, S. and Straub, A. and Donati, S. and Borgatti, F. and Albonetti, C. and Biscarini, F. MS.1.P014 In-situ dynamic SPM studies of organic semiconductor thin film growth on test patterns.

Chiodoni, A. and Bejtka, K. and Chiappone, A. and Roppolo, I. and Porro, S. and Pirri, C. F. MS.5.P157 Characterization of graphene layers functionalized through radical UV-grafting.

Chiodoni, A. and Bejtka, K. and Lamberti, A. and Bianco, S. and Sacco, A. and Garino, N. and Gerbaldi, C. and Quaglio, M. and Pirri, C. F. MS.3.P079 TiO2 nanotubes arrays as active material for energy harvesting and storage devices.

Cho, N.-H. and Yun, H. and Moon, S.-M. and Wang, X. MS.2.P033 Characterization of local phases of BaTiO3 ceramics by highresolution electron energy loss spectroscopy.

Ciancio, R. and Vittadini, A. and Selloni, A. and Aruta, C. and Miletto Granozio, F. and Scotti di Uccio, U. and Rossi, G. and Carlino, E. MS.5.117 Competing Magnéli-like phases driven by substrate-induced strain in TiO2 anatase thin films.

Czigany, Z. MS.5.P140 HRTEM Image Simulation of Model Structures for Fullerene-Like Nanotructures.

Czyrska-Filemonowicz, A. and Buffat, P. and Kulawik, K. MS.4.P112 Chemical element mapping and metrology of γ’ and γ’’ nanoparticles in Inconel 718 superalloy for aeronautics and power generation.


Damm, C. and Funk, A. and Iselt, D. and Schl, H. and Schultz, L. and Rellinghaus, B. and Sturm, T. and Pöhl, A. MS.7.P200 TEM investigation of FeGa alloy nanowires electrochemically deposited within nanoporous templates.

Dankwort, T. and Winkler, M. and Liu, X. and Duppel, V. and Schürmann, U. and König, J. D. and Böttner, H. and Kienle, L. and Bensch, W. MS.4.088 Nanostructured Telluride based Thermoelectric Materials.

De, U. MS.3.P073 TEM and other chracterizations of PbNb2O6 for high temperature piezoelectric applications.

Dehm, G. and Zhang, Z. MS.3.039 Atomic resolution interface study of VN and Cu films on MgO using spherical-aberration corrected TEM.

Demir Mülaz�1mo�Flu, A. and Y�1lmaz, E. and Mülaz�1mo�Flu, �E. E. MS.3.P068 Modification of 2-amino-3-hydroxypyridine onto the glassy carbon electrode: determinations of Que, Gal, 3HF, and Chr.

Deniz, H. and Bhatnagar, A. and Pippel, E. and Alexe, M. and Hesse, D. MS.3.P067 Transmission electron microscopy study of defects in BiFeO3 thin films.

Dietrich, D. and Farghadany, E. and Zarei-Hanzaki, A. and Abedi, H. R. and Yadegari, M. R. and Lampke, T. MS.6.P165 An EBSD approach for estimating the a´´ martensite fraction in ß titanium.

Djerdj, I. MS.7.193 Electron microscopy study of one-dimensional functional materials synthesized by a nonaqueous route.

Dlouhý, A. and Agudo Jácome, L. and Somsen, C. and George, E. P. and Eggeler, G. MS.6.158 Structural Defects in Advanced Alloys and Intermetallics.

Drev, S. and Rečnik, A. and Daneu, N. MS.2.P024 Twinning and inclusions in chrysoberyl from Pratinhas, Brazil.

Dörfel, I. and Nofz, N. and Feigl, M. and Zietelmann, C. MS.5.P123 TEM investigations of alumina coatings after corrosion experiments.

de Pablos-Martín, A. and Patzig, C. and Höche, T. and Durán, A. and Pascual, M. MS.3.P045 Spatial distribution of Thulium in Tm3+-doped oxyfluoride glasses and glass-ceramics.


Ebner, C. and Gammer, C. and Geist, D. and Karnthaler, H.-P. and Rentenberger, C. MS.6.P172 Devitrification of Co3Ti studied by in-situ heating in the TEM.

Eggeler, Y. and Müller, J. and Titus, M. S. and Suzuki, A. and Pollock, T. M. and Spiecker, E. LBP.MS.P15 TEM analysis of localized, planar deformation events which govern creep of single crystalline CoNi-superalloys with γ/γ´- microstructures.

Eichhorn, S. and Mader, W. MS.2.P027 Electron Diffraction study of a novel high temperature phase in the system Fe-Zn-O.

Emami, M. and Trettin, R. MS.2.P035 Characterization of partial smelting in earthenware ceramics through high resolution microscopy methods.

Emhmmed, F. A. LBP.MS.P11 Bridging effect during stainless steels fracture.

Epicier, T. and Aouine, M. and Nguyen, T. T. and Bayle-Guillemaud, P. and Millet, J.-M. M. LBP.MS.P04 A STEM-HAADF study of the distribution of vanadium atoms in the Mo-V-Te-O M1 phase.

Epicier, T. and Lopez-Haro, M. and Bayle-Guillemaud, P. MS.6.163 Metastable precipitation in the Al-Mg,Si,Cu system: an atomic STEM-EELS study.

Erdemli, E. and Çelikkan, F.T. and Özkavukçu, S. and Balcı, D. and Kılıçoğlu, S.S. LBP.LS.P12 Ultrastructural study on vitrification and slow freezing of the ovarian tissue.

Eric Cekic, O. and Dojcinovic, M. and Balos, S. and Rajnovic, D. and Sidjanin, L. MS.6.P173 The SEM study of cavitation damage of as-cast ductile iron.

Erni, R. and Abakumov, A. M. and Tsirlin, A. A. and Rossell, M. D. and Batuk, D. and Nénert, G. and Van Tendeloo, G. MS.5.114 Perspectives on Li3xNd2/3-xTiO3 – a complex perovskite material with nano-chessboard contrast in TEM.

Erten - Ela, S. and Ocakoglu, K. MS.4.P102 Fabrication of Thin Film Nanocrystalline TiO2 Solar Cells using Ruthenium Complexes with Carboxyl and Sulfonyl Groups.

Erten-Ela, S. MS.4.P111 Normal Type and Inverted Type Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells.

Eswara Moorthy, S. and Marinaro, M. and Bernhard, J. and Biskupek, J. and Geiger, D. and J, L. and Wohlfahrt- Mehrens, M. and Kaiser, U. MS.4.085 Electron microscopic and electrochemical characterization of Li-air battery materials.


Feldhoff, A. and Ravkina, O. and Klande, T. MS.4.087 Investigation of carbonates in oxygen-transporting membrane ceramics by analytical transmission electron microscopy.

Fernández, A. and Arzac, G. M. and Hufschmidt, D. and Rojas, T. C. and Jiménez, M. C. MS.4.083 Understanding the behaviour of a CoB catalyst for sodium borohydride hydrolysis: An electron microscopy study.

Fogarassy, Z. and Dobrik, G. and Varga, L. K. and Biró, L. and Lábár, J. MS.5.P129 Controlling the orientation-relationship between Ni (111) and sapphire (0001).

Fontana, M. and Chiodoni, A. and Ottone, C. and Farias, V. and Celasco, E. and Cauda, V. and Pirri, C. F. MS.3.P056 Structural and Morphological Characterization of Doped ZnO Nanowires.


Gabrisch, H. and Mayer, S. and Pyczak, F. and Rackel, M. and Lorenz, U. and Schell, N. and Schreyer, A. and Stark, A. MS.6.P184 Characterization of closely crystallographically related phases in γ- TiAl alloys by HEXRD and TEM imaging.

Gajović, A. and Plodinec, M. and Dutour Sikirić, M. and Šipušić, J. and Čeh, M. MS.3.P065 Influence of the morphology and phase purity of barium titanate nanostructures on phase transition behaviour.

Gammer, C. and Beitelschmidt, D. and Pauly, S. and Geist, D. and Eckert, J. and Karnthaler, H.-P. and Rentenberger, C. MS.6.162 Fluctuation electron microscopy of a bulk metallic glass.

Gammer, C. and Geist, D. and Karnthaler, H.-P. and Rentenberger, C. MS.6.P185 TEM study of Co3Ti made amorphous by high pressure torsion.

Garbrecht, M. and Olsson, S. and Eriksson, F. and Birch, J. and Hultman, L. MS.5.P134 Transmission electron microscopy characterization of the growth and properties of Al-Si-Cu-Fe approximant thin films.

Geiger, D. and Biskupek, J. and Kaiser, U. MS.7.P199 Exploring optimum parameters for off-axis holograms at 80 kV with Cs-corrected Titan 80-300.

Girardin, E. and Barucca, G. and Santecchia, E. and Mengucci, P. and Moskalewicz, T. and Gatto, A. and Bassoli, E. and Denti, L. and Iuliano, L. MS.6.P179 Direct metal laser sintering of a biocompatible Co-Cr-Mo alloy.

Gojzewski, H. and Ghani, F. and Regnat, M. and Riegler, H. MS.5.P124 Nucleation and growth studies in confined volumes.

Golla-Schindler, U. and Schweigert, W. and Benner, G. and Orchowski, A. and Kaiser, U. MS.3.P062 In situ observation of the electron beam induced phase transformation of CaCO3 to CaO as a function of the accelerating voltage (20-300kV).

Graff, A. and Simon-Najasek, M. and Altmann, F. and Dammann, M. MS.3.P063 Aberration corrected TEM and Super-X STEM-EDXS characterization of high electron mobility transistor structures.

Graziosi, P. and Prezioso, M. and Bergenti, I. and Riminucci, A. and Brunel, D. and Newby, C. and Li, F. and Zhan, Y. and Fahlmam, M. and Ghidini, M. and Busquets Mataix, D. J. and Pullini, D. and Dediu, A. MS.1.P015 Pentacene thin films for organic spintronics.

Grinblat, J. and Snovski, R. and Margel, S. MS.3.P055 HRTEM LaB6: characterization of nano part.

Groves, T. and Fenner, M. A. MS.5.P135 New Low Voltage FE-SEM & AFM Techniques Offer Unprecedented Glimpse into Graphene.

Göbel, C. and Baktash, E. and Zaharieva, I. and Dau, H. and Thomas, A. LBP.MS.P09 TEM-investigations of calcium-manganese-oxides applied for water oxidation - from amorphous state to crystalline structure.


Haas, B. and Gries, K. I. and Breuer, T. and Witte, G. and Volz, K. MS.1.002 Characterization of codeposited pentacene/perfluoropentacene on different substrates by transmission electron microscopy.

Haigh, S. and Mishchenko, A. and Gholinia, A. and Geim, A. and Novoselov, K. and Gorbachev, R. MS.3.036 Cross sectional imaging of high mobility graphene heterostructure devices.

Hangen, U. D. and Stromberg, R. and Stauffer, D. MS.5.P156 Mechanical properties of Cu tested by nanoindentation and orientation mapping.

Heim, K. and Vinod Kumar, G. S. and Garcia-Moreno, F. and Wollgarten, M. and Banhart, J. MS.3.P044 Stabilisation mechanisms of particles in aluminium single films and foams.

Hetaba, W. and Wolff, A. and Mill, N. and Wissbrock, M. and Sewald, N. and Hütten, A. MS.3.P049 TEM analysis of the influence of the synthetic polypeptide c25- mms6 on the cobalt ferrite nanoparticle growth.

Holm, K. and Stephan, S. and Ines, H. LBP.MS.P12 HRTEM imaging of inorganic/organic interfaces.

Huang, W. and Richter, G. and Kraft, O. LBP.MS.P02 Growth and characterization of metallic nanowires: Cu, Fe and Cu/Fe.

Huang, W. and Richter, G. and Kraft, O. MS.7.P203 Growth and characterization of metallic nanowires: Cu, Fe and Cu/Fe.

Häußler, D. and Houben, L. and Dunin-Borkowski, R. and Essig, S. and Dimroth, F. and Jäger, W. MS.4.P091 Aberration-corrected STEM and EELS analyses of interfaces in wafer-bonded tandem solar cells.

Hübner, R. and Friedrich, D. and Wolf, D. and Liedke, B. and Schmidt, B. and Heinig, K.-H. MS.4.P093 Morphology studies of Si-SiO2 nanocomposites using energyfiltered transmission electron microscopy.

Hühne, S.-M. and Garling, J. and Schmid, H. and Assenmacher, W. and Mader, W. MS.2.P026 HAADF-STEM Imaging and Simulation of (Sb1/3Zn2/3)GaO3(ZnO)3.


Imlau, R. and Luysberg, M. and Kov, A. and Muthmann, S. and Leidinger, C. and Nuys, M. and Flohre, J. and D, K. and Pich, A. and Dunin-Borkowski, R. and Carius, R. MS.4.P107 Advanced TEM characterisation of nanoparticle based solar cells.


Jabłońska, M. and Bednarczyk, I. LBP.MS.P07 The structure of Fe3Al intermetallic phase-base alloy after hot plastic deformation.

Jenichen, B. and Jahn, U. and Trampert, A. and Herfort, J. MS.5.P147 TEM characterization of Fe3Si/Ge/Fe3Si thin film stacks grown epitaxially on GaAs(001).

Jenko, D. and Rudolf, R. and Friedrich, B. and Stopić, S. and Anžel, I. and Jenko, M. MS.6.P187 Characterization of Ag-TiO2 and Au-TiO2 nanoparticles by means of transmission electron microscopy.

Jensen, L. H. S. and Loussert, C. and Humbel, B. and Horn, A. F. and Jacobsen, C. and Nielsen, N. S. and Horsewell, A. MS.1.P017 Ultra-structure of oil/water emulsions.

Jöhrmann, N. and Brombacher, C. and Albrecht, M. and Hietschold, M. MS.5.P154 Optimizing EBSD setup for high lateral resolution to investigate thin (FePt)1-xCux-films.


K, C. and Florian, M. F. and Julia, R. and Powell, A. K. and Ozin, G. A. and Lemmer, U. and Chakravadhanula, V. S. K. MS.3.P077 Morphological and Compositional Analysis of Organic LEDs with Silicon QDs as Active Layer (SiLEDs).

Kabiri, Y. and Müller, J. and Mackovic, M. and Spiecker, E. LBP.MS.P16 Investigating dislocation activity in Nb2AlC layered carbide using In situ TEM nanomechanical testing.

Karbivskyy, V. and Karbovskaya, L. and Vishnyak, V. MS.5.P127 Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Cu, Ag and Au Nanoformations on the Monocrystalline Surfaces.

Kast, A. K. and Donhauser, D. and Dieterle, L. and Pfannmöller, M. and Mankel, E. and Lovrincic, R. and Kühn, M. and Kowalsky, W. and Schröder, R. R. MS.3.P050 Three dimensional characterization of nanofilamentous growth of transition metal oxide dopants in organic semiconductors.

Kaya, P. and Arslan, G. and Turan, S. MS.1.P009 Analytical electron microscopy investigations of B4C-Al ceramic - metal composites produced by pressureless melt infiltration technique.

Kelsch, M. MS.3.P042 Line defects in TiO2 single crystals and their influence on ionic and electronic transport.

Khalil, A. S. and Abdel-Rehim, R. A. MS.6.P174 Microstructural SEM characterization, mechanical properties and corrosion rate evaluation of heat treated Ti-6Al-4V.

Khalil, A. S. and Zahran, A. A. MS.2.P030 SEM observation of gold in quartz vein from Atud ancient gold mine in central Eastern Desert of Egypt.

Khlobystov, A. N. MS.7.190 Carbon nanocontainers and nanoreactors.

Kießling, F. and Niermann, T. and Schulze, J.-H. and Strittmatter, A. and Pohl, U. W. and Lehmann, M. MS.5.P121 Strain analysis of buried AlAs/oxide stressor layers by dark field holography.

Kirilenko, D. MS.7.P208 Interaction between electronic and mechanical degrees of freedom in graphene: probing by electron diffraction.

Klementova, M. and Novotný, F. and Fajgar, R. and Dřínek, V. MS.5.P133 NixGey films synthetized by LPCVD using Ge2Me6 and Et3GeH precursors.

Kopecek, J. and Kopecký, V. and Lu, J. and Shi, H. and Espinoza, R. and Sedlák, P. and Seiner, H. and Landa, M. and Schryvers, D. and Heczko, O. MS.6.P181 Microstructure evolution in annealed Co38Ni33Al29 shape memory alloy.

Kormout, K. and Daniel, R. and Mitterer, C. and Dehm, G. and Zhang, Z. MS.5.P155 Characterization of CrN films on MgO (100) by advanced TEM.

Kramer, T. and Janik, O. and Norpoth, J. and Scherff, M. and Maier, J. and Hoffman, J. and Jooss, C. MS.5.P130 Influence of persistent resistance changes on structure and chemical composition of metal-Pr1-xCaxMnO3-metal thin film heterostructures observed by TEM techniques.

Kraxner, J. and Letofsky-Papst, I. and Rothländer, T. and Hütter, P. and Stadlober, B. and Grogger, W. MS.1.003 Characterization of the production process of nanoimprinted organic devices by analytical TEM.

Krumeich, F. and Amrute, A. and Mondelli, C. and Pérez-Ramírez, J. MS.7.P196 HAADF-STEM characterization of supported uranium oxide catalysts.

Krumeich, F. and Wörle, M. and Reibisch, P. and Nesper, R. MS.4.084 Imaging LiBC by phase-contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy.

Krzyzanek, V. and Keller, U. and Sporenberg, N. and Sch, M. MS.3.P080 Structural characterization of polyelectrolyte multilayer hollow capsules by SEM.


Labus, D. and Rajnovic, D. and Balos, S. and Dramicanin, M. and Eric Cekic, O. and Sidjanin, L. MS.6.P171 The SEM study of ADI material embrittlement in water and hydrogen environment.

Letofsky-Papst, I. and Tkadletz, M. and Mitterer, C. and Michotte, C. and Grogger, W. MS.5.P131 TEM investigation of droplets in TiAlN based coatings.

Li, Z. and Bosman, M. and Zhu, W. and Dong, Z.-L. MS.2.019 Cation stoichiometry, microstructure and properties tuned by oxygen vacancies in epitaxial manganite and manganite-based heterostructures.

Litvinov, D. and Strassberger, L. and Aktaa, J. LBP.MS.P08 Structure and phase composition ofT91-ODS steel.

Liu, X. MS.7.P201 Application of energy low loss backscattered electrons in material characterization and analysis.

Longo, P. and Chisholm, M. and Varela, M. and Lupini, A. and Twesten, R. MS.4.086 Quantification of oxygen vacancies in fuel-cells materials using atomic level EELS analysis.

Lu, J. and Schryvers, D. and Roeffaers, M. and Bartholomeeusen, E. and Sels, B. MS.7.P204 Internal architecture in coffin-shaped ZSM-5 zeolite crystals unraveled by FIB-assisted TEM.

Luzhkova, I. and Ermakov, A. N. and Bagazeev, A. V. and Murzakaev, A. M. and Grigorov, I. G. and Zainulin, Y. G. MS.6.P188 High-resolution transmission electron microscopy is one of the most important tools for visualizing the morphology and extracting crystallographic information. Al - C - N - O systems in the nanocrystalline state obtained by electric explosion of aluminum wire were studied by X-ray analysis and HRTEM.


Ma, Y. and Huang, S. F. and Zeng, C. and Zhou, T. and Zhong, Z. and Fan, Y. L. and Yang, X. J. and Xia, J. S. and Jiang, Z. M. MS.7.P205 Towards controllable growth of SiGe single and double quantum dot nanostructures.

Ma, Y. and Zhong, Z. and Zhou, T. and Yang, X. and Jiang, Z. MS.7.P206 Growth, microstructures and optical properties of coupled threedimensional Ge quantum dot crystals.

Mackovic, M. and Spiecker, E. MS.3.P072 Electron-beam-hardening of nanoscaled amorphous silica.

Maerz, B. and Graff, A. and Klengel, R. and Petzold, M. MS.6.P177 Differences in intermetallic phase growth in thermally aged alloyed gold bond interconnections on aluminium.

Malek, J. and Hnilica, F. and Veselý, J. MS.6.P166 Study of precipitation and recrystallization in Ti-Nb-Ta biomedical alloy during heat treatment.

Mark, A. F. and Castillo-Rodriguez, M. and Sigle, W. and van Aken, P. A. MS.2.P032 Deformation behaviour of KNbO3 under compression between room temperature and 900°C.

Matsko, N. and Mittal, V. MS.1.006 Low temperature thermotropical dynamical processes in multiphase polymer systems by cryo AFM.

Meffert, M. and Müller, P. and Störmer, H. and Niedrig, C. and Wagner, S. F. and Ivers-Tiffée, E. and Gerthsen, D. MS.4.P106 Electron microscopy study of Yttrium-doped Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ.

Mendez-Martin, F. and Ressel, G. and Leitner, H. MS.4.P092 Focused ion beam sample preparation of mechanically alloyed iron powders for atom probe tomography.

Mengucci, P. and Barucca, G. and Carotenuto, G. and Checchetto, R. and Di Cristoforo, A. and Miotello, A. and Santecchia, E. MS.4.089 Hydrogen storage behaviour of Pd-polymer composites.

Miletić, A. and Škorić, B. and Panjan, P. and Čekada, M. and Kovačević, L. and Terek, P. MS.5.P146 Microstructure of nanocomposite TiSiN and nanolayered TiSiN/TiAlN coatings.

Miret, C. and Malchere, A. and Douillard, T. and Foray, G. and Joly-Pottuz, L. MS.1.P008 Characterization of inorganic-organic cement materials.

Misják, F. and Yamasaki, J. and Yamamoto, Y. and Lábár, J. and Tanaka, N. and Radnóczi, G. MS.5.P128 Spontaneous barrier layer formation in SiO2/Cu-Mn alloy film interface.

Mogilatenko, A. and Stellmach, J. and Frentrup, M. and Mehnke, F. and Wernicke, T. and Kneissl, M. and Weyers, M. MS.3.P071 Analysis of crystal orientation in AlN layers grown on m-plane sapphire.

Molina-Luna, L. and Schildt, S. and Buffière, M. and Du, K. and Choi, C.-H. and Kleebe, H.-J. and Konstantinidis, S. and Rony, S. and Bittencourt, C. and El Mel, A.-A. MS.3.P081 Controlled morphological transformation of hollow oxide nanostructures upon in situ annealing in a transmission electron microscope.

Montone, A. and Aurora, A. and Contini, V. and di Girolamo, G. and Mirabile Gattia, D. MS.4.P094 MgH2/TiO2 nanocomposite for application in solid state hydrogen storage: comparison from powder and pellet.

Montone, A. and Mirabile Gattia, D. and Pasquini, L. MS.4.090 Compacted Mg-based powders for hydrogen storage applications.

Mu, X. and Bach, A. and Sigle, W. and Fischer, D. and Jansen, M. and van Aken, P. A. MS.5.120 A study of structural evolution of alkaline earth fluorides from amorphous to polycrystalline phase by in-situ TEM.

Muehle, U. and Gall, M. and Ritz, Y. and Sukharev, V. and Zschech, E. MS.3.P058 Estimation of medium-range strain in 3D-stacked silicon-based integrated circuits using energy filtered CBED.

Mülazımoğlu, Į.E. and Demir Mülazımoğlu, A. and Yılmaz, E. MS.3.P066 Investigation of antioxidant activities of some flavonoid derivatives using aminophenyl modified glassy carbon sensor electrode.

Müller, J. and Niekiel, F. and Spiecker, E. MS.6.159 Simultaneous strain and chemical mapping applied to Ni-based superalloys.

Müller, M. G. J. and Mayer, J. and Nahif, F. and Schneider, J. M. MS.5.P142 TEM investigation of the effect of silicon alloying on the microstructure and stability of amorphous and crystalline Al2O3- coatings.

Müller, M. M. and Kleebe, H.-J. MS.2.021 Detection and imaging of light elements in Mg-Al-spinel.


Nagy, K. and Misj, F. and Szommer, P. and Lobotka, P. and Radn, G. MS.5.P122 Composition dependence of morphology, electrical and mechanical properties of sputtered Cu-Mn alloy films.

Naizabekov, A. and Lezhnev, S. and Volokitina, I. MS.6.P189 Influence of thermal treatment on the structure of copper at ECApressing.

Neudert, L. and Rosenthal, T. and Schroeder, T. and Doeblinger, M. and Oeckler, O. MS.4.P105 Real-structure effects of quaternary and quinary germanium antimony telluride thermoelectrics caused by doping with silver and indium.

Neusser, G. and Eppler, S. and Walther, P. and Mizaikoff, B. and Kranz, C. MS.3.P075 Towards the 3D investigation of pore space in molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs).

Niekiel, F. and Kraschewski, S. M. and Butz, B. and Spiecker, E. LBP.MS.P14 In situ transmission electron microscopy study on solid-state dewetting of Au thin films.

Nissen, J. and Berger, D. MS.3.P046 Beam size and analytic resolution of the FEG-EPMA JEOL JXA- 8530F.

Noisternig, S. and Gammer, C. and Geist, D. and Karnthaler, H.-P. and Rentenberger, C. MS.6.P170 Statistical analysis of nanocrystals embedded in the amorphous phase of a Co-Ti alloy studied by TEM.


Olsson, E. and Pingel, T. MS.7.194 Active sites and aging properties of metal catalyst particles.

Ortolani, L. and Degli Esposti Boschi, C. and Veronese, G. P. and Rizzoli, R. and Simoni, J. and Mazzaro, R. and Morandi, V. MS.7.P211 Electron holography probing interlayer charge redistributions in folded graphene membranes.

Ozsoy Keskinbora, C. and Koch, C. T. and Benia, H. M. and Bussmann, B. and Kern, K. and van Aken, P. A. MS.3.P070 Electrostatic potential mapping in topological insulators by inline electron holography.


Park, J. B. and Niermann, T. and Beleggia, M. and Lehmann, M. MS.5.P125 The Influence of the Electron Beam on Potentiometry of GaN.

Parlinska-Wojtan, M. MS.5.115 TEM study of interface’s impact on hardening mechanisms in transition metal nitride thin films.

Parmenter, C. and Chen, R. and Cheung, D. and Bon, S. MS.1.005 Morphological transitions in polymer vesicles upon bilayer swelling with small hydrophobic molecules in water.

Pecz, B. and Baji, Z. and Lábadi, Z. and Kovacs, A. MS.5.P144 Polycrystalline to single crystalline, ALD deposited ZnO layers.

Peretzki, P. and Marín Perera, P. and Ifland, B. and Saring, P. and Jooss, C. and Seibt, M. MS.4.P100 TEM and FIB-based EBIC investigations to study photovoltaic properties of a complex oxide pn-heterojunction.

Pfaff, M. and Müller, E. and Volkenandt, T. and Gerthsen, D. MS.1.P012 Applications of low-energy STEM for the investigation of carbonbased materials for organic solar cells.

Pfaffmann, L. A. and Kast, A. and Litvinov, D. and Müller, E. and Hempel, W. and Powalla, M. and Gerthsen, D. MS.5.116 Effect of Na-doping on the microstructure in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin-film solar cells.

Poková, M. and Cieslar, M. MS.6.P186 Softening processes in accumulative roll-bonding processed twinroll cast aluminium sheets studied by light and transmission electron microscopy.

Polat, S. and Atapek, Ů and Türedi, E. and Gümüş, S. and Yaman, M. MS.6.P182 Wear behavior of new generation powder metallurgical cold work tool steels.

Popescu, R. and Leidinger, P. and Feldmann, C. and Gerthsen, D. MS.3.P064 The structure of supercrystals made by self-assembled nanoscaled Ag2S hollow spheres and Ag2S nanodiscs.

Poppitz, D. and Lotnyk, A. and Gerlach, J. and Rauschenbach, B. MS.5.P148 Microstructure investigation of porous gallium-nitride thin films.

Prikhodko, K. and Gurovich, B. and Kuleshova, E. and Komarov, D. and Kozlova, D. MS.5.P150 TEM/STEM EELS investigation of silicon oxidation under composite ion beam irradiation at room temperature.


Radnóczi, G. and Misják, F. and Biro, D. and Barna, P. B. MS.2.018 The impact of electron microscopy on revealing phase separation mechanisms in alloy thin films.

Rashkova, B. and Schloffer, M. and Schöberl, T. and Zhang, Z. and Mayer, S. and Clemens, H. MS.6.P178 Evolution of <9o-phase in a TiAl-Nb-Mo alloy: microstructural characterization and mechanical properties.

Reichmann, A. and Reichmann, K. and Stefan, M. and Zankel, A. and Pölt, P. MS.2.P025 In situ mechanical polarization of polycristalline BaTiO3 in the ESEM with subsequent EBSD investigations.

Reichmann, K. and Naderer, M. and Reichmann, A. MS.2.P028 Grain growth anomalies and their effect on domain structure in Barium Titanate.

Rieder, J. and Eiblmeier, J. and Kellermeier, M. and Glaab, F. and Kunz, W. MS.3.P057 Complex Structures of “Sand” and “Chalk”.

Rockenhäuser, C. and Butz, B. and Gerthsen, D. MS.2.020 Cation diffusion and phase formation at Sm2O3/CeO2- and Gd2O3/CeO2-interfaces.

Rodak, K. and Hernas, A. LBP.MS.P06 Microstructure analysis of HCM12 and HCM12A steels after 100000h exposition.

Roumeli, E. and Pavlidou, E. and Vourlias, G. and Bikiaris, D. and Chrissafis, K.. MS.1.P011 High performance carbon nanotube reinforced crosslinked high density polyethylene.

Roß, U. and Lotnyk, A. and Thelander, E. and Rauschenbach, B. MS.3.P054 Characterization of laser-deposited Ge-Sb-Te thin films by Cscorrected STEM.

Röhler, S. and Schröppel, B. and Burkhardt, C. J. and Stett, A. and Kern, D. P. MS.5.P151 Characterization and optimization of a barium titanate deposition process for fabrication of capacitive microelectrodes.

Rösner, H. and Kübel, C. and Peterlechner, M. and Wilde, G. MS.6.161 Density changes in shear bands of a metallic glass determined by HAADF-STEM and EELS.


Saito, T. and Lefebvre, W. and Marioara, C. and Andersen, S. and Holmestad, R. MS.6.P180 Cu and Zn atomic columns of precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys investigated by aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy.

Samardžija, Z. and Žužek Rožman, K. and Pečko, D. and Kobe, S. MS.6.P175 Characterization of the morphology and chemical composition of FdxPd1-x nanorods by advanced FEGSEM and low-voltage EDS analyses.

Santecchia, E. and Barucca, G. and Di Cristoforo, A. and Rinaldi, D. and Tiberi, E. and Mengucci, P. MS.3.P047 Characterization of cerium-doped LYSO scintillating crystals.

Santecchia, E. and Barucca, G. and Mengucci, P. and Varvaro, G. and Testa, A. M. and Agostinelli, E. and Springer, F. and Brombacher, C. and Albrecht, M. MS.5.P141 Microstructural investigation of magnetic CoCrPt:SiO2 films.

Sarac, A. S. MS.1.P013 Conjugated polymer blend nanofibers.

Schaan, G. and Hühne, S.-M. and Schmid, H. and Mader, W. MS.7.P198 Investigations of Sn-doped ZnO nanowires with multiple inversion domain boundaries.

Schade, M. and Heyroth, F. and Leipner, H. S. MS.3.P076 Acquisition of EEL spectra of the Si-III, Si-IV and Si-XII highpressure phases.

Scherrer, M. and Schmitt, L. A. and Acosta, M. and Jo, W. and Rödel, J. and Kleebe, H.-J. LBP.MS.P05 In-situ TEM investigation on lead-free (Bi1/2Na1/2)TiO3-xSrTiO3.

Schierholz, R. and Caballero-Fernández, J. and Godinho, V. and Fernández, A. MS.5.P137 Characterization of amorphous and porous Silicon coatings by (S)TEM and EELS.

Schindler, W. and Wollgarten, M. and Kropf, H. and Chauliaras, G. and Foustriopoulos, K. MS.4.P099 Revealing the nanomorphology in organic solar cells with energy filtered TEM.

Schmidt, F. P. and Ditlbacher, H. and Hohenau, A. and Hohenester, U. and Hofer, F. and Krenn, J. R. MS.3.041 Morphing nanodisks to nanotriangles - a plasmonic EEL study.

Schmidt, V. and Rösner, H. and Peterlechner, M. and Wilde, G. MS.6.P169 Investigation of the HAADF-STEM contrast thickness for different camera lengths in metallic glasses.

Schmied, R. and Orthacker, A. and Chernev, B. and Trimmel, G. and Plank, H. MS.1.P016 Focused ion beam processing of low melting polymers: new perspectives due to optimized patterning strategies.

Schroettner, H. and Schoenberger, A. and Rattenberger, J. and Wagner, J. and Mertschnigg, S. MS.3.P052 Characterisation of single stone impact defects of anticorrosive coated automotive steel plates.

Schuhmann, H. and Peretzki, P. and Walter, M. and Zbarskyy, V. and Seibt, M. and Münzenberg, M. MS.3.P078 Crystallisation and boron redistribution in CoFeB / MgO systems with Ru and Ta cap layers for magnetic tunnel junctions during annealing studied by HRTEM and EELS.

Schuster, M. E. and Teschner, D. and Girgsdies, F. and Willinger, M.-G. and Tornow, J. and Ohmer, N. and Samuelis, D. and Popovic, J. and Titirici, M.-M. and Schlögl, R. MS.4.P109 The impact of defects on the EC performance of LiFePO4 batteries - an EELS and NEXAFS study.

Schürmann, U. and Hrkac, V. and Marauska, S. and Petraru, A. and Duppel, V. and Chakravadhanula, V. S. K. and Kübel, C. and Wagner, B. and Kohlstedt, H. and Kienle, L. MS.3.P048 TEM observations on different length scales for characterization of AlN texture and columnar growth.

Seifert, S. and Franke, D. and Zengler, D. and Kießling, F. and Lehmann, M. MS.3.P053 Optimization and characterisation of metamorphic buffer layers for extended-InGaAs/InP photodetectors.

Selleri, R. and Casinelli, M. MS.1.P010 Morphological investigation of Ziegler-Natta catalysts.

Selve, S. and Hasché, F. and Oezaslan, M. and Strasser, P. and Berger, D. MS.4.P096 Microscopic and element-sensitive investigation on Pt and Pt alloy nanocatalysts.

Shi, H. and Frenzel, J. and Martinez, G. and Van Rompaey, S. and Van Aert, S. and Schryvers, D. MS.6.160 Site-occupation of Nb atoms in ternary Ni-Ti-Nb shape memory alloy.

Sigle, W. and Ögüt, B. and Vogelgesang, R. and Talebi, N. and van Aken, P. A. MS.3.037 Toroidal plasmonic eigenmodes in oligomer nanocavities detected by EFTEM.

Simon, P. and Liebscher, L. and Baburin, I. A. and Formanek, P. and Röder, F. and Sickmann, J. and Hickey, S. and Eychmüller, A. and Lichte, H. and Kniep, R. and Rosseeva, E. MS.5.P136 Nanocrystal orientation and superlattice array in Pbs-oleic acid thin films: The role of crystal habit and organic fibrils.

Sitnikova, A. and Kirilenko, D. and Kurdyukov, D. and Trofimova, E. and Golubev, V. MS.7.P202 Structure of composite mesoporous silica particles synthesized by low-toxic route.

Slouf, M. and Vackova, T. and Krejcikova, S. and Novak, L. and Vystavel, T. MS.1.004 Observation of nucleated polyoxymethylene crystallization by means of in-situ polarized-light microscopy and in-situ scanning electron microscopy.

Song, K. and Schmid, H. and Srot, V. and Gilardi, E. and Gregori, G. and Maier, J. and van Aken, P. A. MS.4.P095 Structure and chemistry of CeO2/YSZ interfaces investigated by TEM/STEM.

Song, M. and Ye, S. J. and Takeguchi, M. and Matsumoto, A. and Togano, K. and Ohmura, T. and Kumakura, H. MS.4.P113 Distribution of MgO nanocrystals in superconductor MgB2 wires observed with TEM tomography.

Sowa, R. and Dziedzic, C. and Arabasz, S. and dul, I. and Parlinska-Wojtan, M. MS.6.P168 Relation between macroscopic shrinking and microstructural evolution in 17-4PH steel.

Stambula, S. and Gauquelin, N. and Bugnet, M. and Gorantla, S. and Turner, S. and Sun, S. and Sun, X. and Botton, G. MS.7.191 Material characterization of N-doped graphene with Pt atoms and clusters for fuel cell application using a transmission electron microscope.

Stark, M. and Butz, B. and Menzler, N.H. and Michel, S. and Störmer, H. and Utz, A. and Ivers-Tiffée, E. and Gerthsen, D. and Spiecker, E. LBP.MS.P17 Impact of Nickel on the accelerated degradation of Y2O3-stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) electrolytes.

Stemmer, P. and Goeke, S. and Theisen, W. and Biermann, D. and Fischer, A. MS.3.P082 Influence of processing parameters and retained austenite on the subsurface microstructure of martensitic steel.

Stovbun, S. and Skoblin, A. and Litvin, I. and Grishin, M. and Shub, B. MS.1.P007 Strings in homochiral solutions.

Sturm, S. MS.4.P098 Correlated EDXS and EELS compositional analyses in Dy-doped Nd-Fe-B-based magnets.

Su, D. and Zhang, B. MS.7.192 Stabilities of Pd nanoparticles supported on carbon nanotubes studied by TEM.

Surrey, A. and Lindemann, I. and Bonatto Minella, C. and Schultz, L. and Rellinghaus, B. MS.4.P108 Electron beam induced dehydrogenation of nanocrystalline MgH2 investigated by VEELS.

Suyolcu, Y. E. and Aslan, B. and Serincan, U. and Turan, S. LBP.MS.P10 Characterisation of MBE grown type-II superlattices with electron microscopy.

Szívós, J. and Sáfrán, G. and Serényi, M. and Gergely-Fülöp, E. MS.5.P143 Nanoscale masking with UV excimer laser for bit patterned media.

Sünger, N. MS.4.P110 The Synthesis of Phenoxazine Dyes Comprising Anchoring Group and Their Performances in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells.


Teixeira Neto, E. and dos Santos, D. O. A. and Teixeira Neto, A. A. MS.7.P209 Morphology of a thermally processed (1:1) AuPd alloy heterogeneous catalyst.

Theissmann, R. and Kluwig, M. and Koch, T. MS.2.023 A reliable method for sizing constituent particles in pigment-grade titanium dioxide.

Tonejc, A. and Ivanda, M. and Tonejc, A. and Bijelić, M. and Mikac, L. and Štefanić, G. and Musić, S. MS.2.P029 ZrO2-CuO nanoparticles revealed by HRTEM and SAED.


Vogel, K. and Behler, C. and Wolf, D. and Sturm, S. and Diestel, A. and Backen, A. and Fähler, S. and Schultz, L. and Lichte, H. MS.3.040 Application of electron holography for characterization of magnetic domain patterns in Ni-Mn-Ga films.


Waitz, T. and Mangler, C. and Kompatscher, A. and Müllner, P. MS.3.P060 TEM investigation of adaptive martensite occurring in ultrafinegrained ferromagnetic Ni-Mn-Ga shape memory alloys.

Wanzenboeck, H. D. and Mika, J. and Bassem, I. and Shawrav, M. and Lugstein, A. and Bertagnolli, E. MS.7.P210 In-situ chlorine etching of nanowires by focused electron beam - a direct-modification approach for tailoring nanowire properties.

Wuttke, T. and Roos, B. and Nowak, C. and Volkert, C. MS.4.P097 Identification of an intermediate state during electrochemical lithiation of silicon using in-situ TEM techniques.


Ye, F. and Zhang, Y. and Lv, Y. and Yang, X. MS.7.P207 Coupling effects of Ge/Si quantum dots studied by conductive atomic force microscopy and Kelvin probe force microscopy.

Yilmaz, E. and Demir Mülazımoğlu, A. and Mülazımoğlu, Į.E. MS.3.P069 DTO modified glassy carbon electrode at non-aqueous media: investigation of electrochemical behaviors of Que on the electrode surface.

Yurdakul, H. and Idrobo, J.-C. and Okunishi, E. and Pennycook, S. J. and Turan, S. MS.2.P031 Aberration-Corrected Microscopy and Spectroscopy of SiAlON Ceramics.


Zagar, K. and Hernandez-Ramirez, F. and Prades, J. D. and Morante, J. R. and Recnik, A. and Sturm, S. and Ceh, M. MS.3.038 Insight into the structural and electrical properties of individual BaTiO3 nanorods.

Zhang, Z. and Daniel, R. and Mitterer, C. and Dehm, G. MS.5.P153 Characterizing the atomic and electronic structure of the defects in CrN films by advanced TEM.

Zhigalina, O. and Khmelenin, D. and Vorotilov, K. and Sigov, A. and Lebo, I. MS.5.P126 TEM study of PZT crystallization behaviour in multilayer heterostructures.

Zhigalina, V. and Lizunova, A. and Sulyanov, S. and Kiselev, N. and Ivanov, V. MS.2.P034 Dimensional and phase characterization of titanium oxide nanoparticles.

Zoberbier, T. and Biskupek, J. and Kaiser, U. and Chamberlain, T. and Khlobystov, A. MS.7.P197 Systematic characterization of dynamics of transition metals inside SWNT by in-situ aberration-corrected HRTEM at low acceleration voltages between 20 and 80 kV.

Zárubová, N. and Ge, Y. and Heczko, O. and Hannula, S.-P. MS.6.164 In-situ TEM straining of tetragonal martensite in a Ni-Mn-Ga alloy.


Ögüt, B. and Vogelgesang, R. and Sigle, W. and Talebi, N. and Koch, C. T. and van Aken, P. A. MS.3.P059 Hybridized metal slit eigenmodes as an illustration of Babinet's principle.

�1aszcz, A. and Guziewicz, W. and S�2ysz, W. and Czerwinski, A. and Ratajczak, J. and K�5tcki, J. MS.5.P132 HRTEM studies of ultrathin NbN and NbTiN films for superconducting photodetectors.

This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 20:35:25 2025 CET.