Items where Subject is "Multimodal and Interdisciplinary Microscopies (MIM)"

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Ackermann, H.-W. MIM.6.P087 The Sad and Sorry State of Phage Electron Microscopy.

Agudo Jácome, L. MIM.1.P015 Practical Aspects of 3D Crystalline Defect Analysis for Engineering Materials using Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy.

Anufriev, Y. and Galkov, V. and Dudin, A. and Eganova, E. MIM.1.P011 Examples of application an electron-ion scanning microscopy for research biological, quantum and solid-state materials in different areas of science and technology.


Batoo, K. MIM.3.P043 Size effects on the Mossbauer and Magnetic properties of Cobalt ferrite nanoparticles.

Bayer, C. and Subramanian, N. and Wang, L. and Frascaroli, G. and Mertens, T. and Walther, P. MIM.4.P065 Prerequisites for correlative light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy of viral infections.

Beltran, A.M. and Winter, B. and Spiecker, E. MIM.1.007 STEM tomography and CBED polarity analysis of crystallographic pores in InP.

Blank, F. and Stumbles, P. and Strickland, D. and Rothen-Rutishauser, B. and Holt, P. and Seydoux, E. and von Garnier, Ch. MIM.3.031 Delivery of nanocarriers for pulmonary vaccination: recent advances and challenges.

Boese, M. MIM.2.P026 Energy Filtered Imaging with the energy selecting in-lens Duo detector.

Burdikova, Z. MIM.7.104 SHG imaging of mature collagen fibers produced in vitro for tissue engineering applications.

Burkart, I. and Klocke, V. and Maynicke, E. MIM.7.102 The Nanoworbench: Automated Nanorobotic system inside of Scanning Electron or Focused Ion Beam Microscopes.

Bursikova, V. and Bursik, J. and Zabransky, L. and Soucek, P. and Vasina, P. MIM.7.P109 Correlation of the nanoindentation induced pop-in effects with SEM and TEM observation of nanocomposite nc-TiC/a-C:H coatings.


Chen, J. and Zhuo, S. and Zhu, X. and Jiang, X. and Wu, Y. MIM.7.105 Application of multiphoton microscopy in diagnosis and therapy of cancer.

Conjeti, S. and Ghosh, B. and Kari, S.P.K. and Sheet, D. and Chatterjee, J. MIM.7.P110 Enhancing effective depth-of-field using spectra-specific wavelet based multi-focus image fusion for digital pathology applications.

Cumbul, A. and Erdem, S. and Isik, F. and Uslu, U. and Oztoprak, O. MIM.6.P096 Histomorphometrical and Clinical Evaluation of the Effects of Decortication Procedure Using Er:Yag Laser on Tooth Movement in Rats.


Diller, S. and Mantz, H. and Holder, M. MIM.6.P085 Nanoflight Movies - Getting a synoptic view on Microstructures.

Dobranska, K. and Nebesarova, J. and Ruzicka, F. and Dluhos, J. and Samek, O. and Krzyzanek, V. MIM.1.P013 Comparison of biofilm formation of mixed yeast/bacterial cultures by FIB-SEM tomography.

Dolle, C. and Butz, B. and Niekiel, F. and Waldmann, D. and Weber, H. and Spiecker, E. MIM.6.P099 Rocking curves of few layer graphene by evaluation of TEM dark field tilt series.

Dowsett, D. and Pillatsch, L. and Vanhove, N. and Philipp, P. and Wirtz, T. and Sijbrandij, S. and Notte, J. MIM.4.P062 Towards SIMS on the helium ion microscope: detection limits and experimental results on the ORION.

Drsticka, M. and Nebesarova, J. and Vancova, M. and Bily, T. and Coufalova, E. and Stepan, P. MIM.3.P040 Low voltage TEM - new tool for nanoparticle characterization.

Du, H. and Jia, C.-L. and Mayer, J. MIM.6.P084 Iterative filtering algorithm for denoising HR(S)TEM micrographs.

de Campos Vidal, B. and Mello, M.L.S. MIM.2.P029 DNA microspectroscopic infrared (IR) signatures using Fourier Transform-IR microscope ARO objective.


Elshabka, A. and Sakr, S. MIM.6.P098 Effect of grape fruit juice on concor-induced nephrotoxicity and apoptosis in albino rats.


Faulhaber, M. and Müller, P. and Schneider, R. and Gao, K. and Seipenbusch, M. and Gerthsen, D. MIM.3.P039 TEM investigations of the sintering behavior of noble metal nanoparticles.

Fay, M. and La Rocca, A. MIM.7.100 Preparation of Soot-in-oil samples from diesel engines for HRTEM analysis.

Ferron, M. and Migliori, A. and Morandi, V. and Ortolani, L. and Pezza, A. and Sberveglieri, G. MIM.1.006 SEM tomography of nanostructures by scanning-transmission imaging.

Fischer, N. and Paleskava, E. and Konevega, A. and Rodnina, M. and Stark, H. High-resolution 3D Structure Determination of Dynamic Macromolecular Complexes by Single Particle cryo-EM.

Fladischer, K. and Schultheiss, K. and Kübler, C. and Doemer, H. and Hill, R. MIM.1.P018 New FIB design combines extremely high beam currents with nanometer precision possibilities.

Fuchs, J. and Kalkbrenner, T. and Röder, I.V. and Schröder, R.R. and Dietrich, C. MIM.4.P059 Comparison of localization algorithms for correlative 3D reconstruction of superresolution fluorescence images of ultrathin serial sections.


Ganner, T. and Bubner, P. and Eibinger, M. and Mayerhofer, C. and Plank, H. and Nidetzky, B. MIM.5.069 Synergistic Effects Among Cellulases during Enzymatic Cellulose Degradation, Visualized by In-situ Atomic Force Microscopy.

Genoud, C. MIM.1.001 Microtome and Focus Ion Beam for serial block face scanning electron microscopy: tools to explore the three dimensional ultrastructure.

Geric, K. and Lazarevic, S. and Grujic, J. MIM.5.P073 Analysis of the fretting corrosion deposits on biomaterials.

Gnauck, P. and Kautschor, L.-O. MIM.1.005 Helium Ion Microscopy: Extending the frontiers of nanotechnology.

Gojzewski, H. and Hashim, A. and Grzeszkowiak, M. and Makowski, M. and Molcan, M. and Batkova, M. and Batko, I. and Pawlowska, D. and Timko, M. MIM.5.P071 Scanning study of single magnetosomes: a crystal structure tailored by preparation procedure.

Gonca, S. and SEN, O. and Uslu, U. and Zeybek, A. MIM.6.P095 Apoptotic index of Harvesting the Saphenous Vein for Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG).

Gornostayev, S. and Heino, J. and Kokkonen, T. and Makkonen, H. and Huttunen, S. and Fabritius, T. MIM.7.P106 Textural variations in experimental metallurgical coke: insights from optical microscopy and wavelet-based image analysis.

Gorris, H.-H. MIM.7.103 Observing the kinetics of single enzyme molecules enclosed in femtoliter arrays by fluorescence microscopy.

Gümüş, S. and Polat, S. and Lackner, J. and Waldhauser, W. MIM.5.068 Evaluation of nanocoated polymeric biomaterials in term of surface properties.


Hahn, K. MIM.6.P091 Room-facelift for new JEOL JEM-ARM 200F instruments.

Hemmleb, M. and Ritter, M. and Berger, D. MIM.1.P009 Automated geometric SEM calibration.

Hovnanyan, K. and Pepoyan, A. and Hovnanyan, M. and Navasardyan, L. and Hovnanyan, L. and Trchounian, A. MIM.4.P061 Interactions of bacteria and yeast in biofilms: transmission and scanning electron microscopic analysis.

Hubl, M. and Blechert, M. and Engelhardt, M. and Seifert, S. and Ziolkowska, A. and Jung, E. and Georgi, L. MIM.7.P107 Lensless Chip-Microscope for in situ Cell Microscopy.

Hudoklin, S. and Romih, R. MIM.6.P097 Localization of SNAREs in the mouse urothelium.

Hwang, I.-S. and Chang, W.-T. and Lin, C.-Y. and Hsu, W.-H. and Chang, M.T. and Tsong, T.-T. MIM.6.P092 Low-keV electron diffractive imaging based on a single-atom electron source.


Ismail, N. and Goh, K.L. and Pasbakhsh, P. and Chang, S.P. and Wee Loong, L. MIM.7.P108 Influence of ultraviolet radiation on spider silk - electron microscope studies.


Jeremie, Z. MIM.2.P030 Calibration of multispectral and multimodal light emitting diode microscope for staining free malaria automate parasitemia determination.

Ji, Z. and Zhang, X. and Ma, J.-F. and Xu, F. MIM.6.P090 SEM and confocal Raman microscopic study of morphological and topochemical changes of poplar cell walls during alkali pretreatment.


Kaiser, U. and Biskupek, J. and Golla-Schindler, U. and Kurasch, S. and Lee, Z. and Wachsmuth, P. and Lehtinen, O. and Haider, M. and Benner, G. and Rose, H. MIM.6.081 High-resolution low-voltage electron microscopy and spectroscopy - current status of the SALVE project.

Kalaidzidis, Y. and Kalaidzidis, I. and Villaseñor, R. MIM.2.P027 Spectral “bleed-through” correction makes possible FRET microscopy of intracellular organelles.

Karreman, M. and Agronskaia, A. and Van Donselaar, E. and Buurmans, I. and Verrips, T. and Weckhuysen, B. MIM.4.048 Lights Will Guide You: Integrated Correlative Microscopy in Life an Material Science.

Kastenmüller, A. and Booth, C. and Mooney, P. and Lee, B. and Gubbens, S. MIM.2.024 K2: A Super-Resolution Electron Counting Direct Detection Camera for Cryo-EM.

Kenar, H. and Muratgul, C. and Kose, G. and Kesemenli, C.C. and Karaoz, E. and Hasirci, V. MIM.5.067 Microscopy techniques in muscle tissue engineering.

Kockentiedt, S. and Gernert, U. MIM.7.P112 A new level-dependent noise reduction method applied to high resolution SEM images.

Kostic, I. and Bukara, K. and Ilić, V. and Mojsilović, S. and Đorđević, V. and Isailović, B. and Veljović, Į. and Bugarski, B. MIM.4.P066 Scanning electron microscopy observation of erythrocyte ghosts isolated from slaughterhouse blood by gradual hemolysis.

Kretschmar, S. and Eberle, D. and Ader, M. and Gandhi, H. and Bökel, C. and Weidemann, T. and Kurth, T. MIM.4.P058 Correlative light and electron microscopy of ultrathin sections.

Kukulski, W. and Schorb, M. and Kaksonen, M. and Briggs, J. A. G. MIM.4.049 Correlated fluorescence and 3D electron microscopy temporally resolves ultrastructural changes during endocytosis.

Kurgan, N. MIM.5.P072 AFM study of a calcium hydroxyapatite morphology.


Li, Z.-A. and Fontaíña-Troitiño, N. and Liébana-Viñas, S. and Spasova, M. and Salgueiriño, V. and Farle, M. MIM.3.033 High-resolution imaging and spectroscopy of CoO octahedral nanoparticles.


Ma, J. and Ma, J.-F. and Xu, F. MIM.2.P028 Dissolution dynamics of lignin of poplar fiber cell wall during hydrothermal pretreatment by analytical microscopy approaches.

Ma, J.. and Ma, J. and Ji, Z. and Zhang, X. and Zhou, X. and Xu, F. MIM.6.P089 Ultrastructure and cellulose distribution of Miscanthus sinensis internode tissues by TEM and Raman imaging.

Mardegan Issa, J. and Lemos Muniz, K. and José Dias, F. and Souza, L.G. and Pedrazzi, F. and Junqueira Calzzani, R.A. and dos Santos Kotake, B.G. and Tocchini de Figueiredo, F.A. and Watanabe, I.-S. and Mardegan Issa, J. MIM.5.P078 Microscopical alterations of the anterior tibial muscle after sciatic nerve crushing treated with lasertherapy and natural latex protein.

Mardegan Issa, J. and Tocchini de Figueiredo, F.A. and Ramos, J. and Gerlach, R.F. and Reiko Hashimoto Kawakita, E. MIM.5.P077 Tooth lead signal obtained by SEM-EDS may be useful for detection of environmental contamination with this metal.

Medjanik, K. and Chernov, S. and Janzen, R. and Elmers, H.-J. and Tusche, C. and Krasyuk, A. and Kirschner, J. and Schönhense, G. MIM.2.P025 Momentum Microscopy based on Time-of-Flight Filter and Imaging Spin Detector.

Melinte, G. and Florea, I. and Ersen, O. and Arenal, R. and Janowska, I. and Begin-Colin, S. and Baaziz, W. and Pham-Huu, C. MIM.1.P014 A 3D TEM study supported by EELS chemical analysis of the catalytic cutting process of few-layer graphene.

Messerschmidt, C. and Lieberwirth, I. and Kröger-Brinkmann, A. and Hofmann, D. and Mailänder, V. and Landfester, K. MIM.3.035 Size determines the ultrastructural uptake mode of silica nanoparticles into cultured cells.

Milat, O. and Demoli, N. and Radić, N. LBP.MIM.P05 Delamination buckling of thin metallic film studied by digital holographic light microscope interferometry.

Mohamed, Z. and Mokhtar, B. and Tahar Hassaine, D. and Lazreg, H. and Abdelouahed, T. MIM.3.P041 Free vibration analysis of armchair double-walled carbon nanotubes embedded in an elastic medium using nonlocal Euler- Bernoulli beam theory.

Musat, N. and Stryhanyuk, H. and Richnow, H.-H. MIM.4.P064 ProVIS Centre - Correlative Microscopy for imaging microbialmediated biochemical processes.


Narrandes, A. and Franklyn, P. MIM.3.036 Investigating the formation mechanism of three-dimensional mesocrystalline rutile nanospheres synthesized by the resin-gel method.

Nellist, P. D. Three-dimensional imaging and analysis at the nanoscale by optical sectioning and confocal methods in the transmission electron microscope.

Neujahr, R. MIM.4.P057 High Resolution SEM, 3D-Applications and Correlative Light/Electron Microscopy.

Novak, S. and Drobne, D. and Vaccari, L. and Kiskinova, M. and Ferraris, P. and Birarda, G. and Remškar, M. and Hočevar, M. MIM.3.P038 Interactions of ingested tungsten (WOX) nanofibers with a model digestive gland tissue studied by SEM/EDS and FTIR.


Ogbazghi, T. and Tappe, F. and Meyer, J. and Thomas, C. MIM.4.050 Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM) for Characterization of Light Converting Inorganic Phosphors.


Pantic, I. and Basailovic, M. and Perovic, M. and Pantic, S. and Djuricic, D. and Paunovic, J. MIM.3.032 Silver nanoparticles decrease nuclear fractal dimension in buccal epithelial cells.

Parmenter, C. and Wang, T. and Webb, K. MIM.1.P017 Focused ion beam ablation tomography.

Peckys, D. and de Jonge, N. MIM.3.P045 Environmental scanning electron microscopy applied to visualize and quantify gold nanoparticle storage in whole, hydrated lung cancer cells.

Pellicciari, C. and Giagnacovo, M. and Cisterna, B. and Costanzo, M. and Croce, A.C. and Bottiroli, G. and Malatesta, M. MIM.4.P063 Detecting photosensitizing molecules at transmission electron microscopy by fluorescence photoconversion of diaminobenzidine.

Perezhogin, I. and Kulnitskiy, B. and Grishtaeva, A. and Perfilov, S. and Lomakin, R. and Blank, V. MIM.3.P046 TEM studies of W/C60 mixture prepared in a ball-mill.

Peterlechner, M. and Mohamed, M. and Wilde, G. MIM.3.034 HRTEM contrast of nanoparticles embedded in a metallic matrix.

Pfannmöller, M. and Hedberg, C. and Grabenbauer, M. and Schröder, R. MIM.4.P054 Detection of specific lanthanum signal in a metal-organic compound as approach for correlative high-resolution microscopy.


Roesler, M. and Berthold, L. and Schischka, J. and Heneka, M.J. MIM.1.P008 Evaluation of Effect Pigment Orientation using combined SEM, TEM and X-ray CT analysis and conclusion for interpreting goniospectrophotometric data of effect coatings.

Rose, H. MIM.6.079 Future Trends in Electron Optics and Instrumentation.

Röder, I.V. and Dietrich, C. and Fuchs, J. and Wacker, I. and Schröder, R.R. MIM.4.P055 Preservation of Alexa Fluor® fluorescence in tissue for correlative light and electron microscopy.

Rühle, M. MIM.6.080 Quo Vadis, Transmission Electron Microscopy?


Salvenmoser, W. and Lengerer, B. and Pjeta, R. and Schärer, L. and Arbore, R. and Wunderer, J. and Rodrigez, M. and Ladurner, P. MIM.6.P086 The ultrastructure of the adhesive organs of Macrostomum lignano (Macrostomida, Platyhelminthes).

Santo, N. and Torres, F. and Guazzoni, N. and Bacchetta, R. and Mantecca, P. and Ascagni, M. and Tremolada, P. MIM.3.P042 Does ZnO nanoparticle size induce ultrastructural alterations in midgut of Daphnia magna?

Santos Franco da Silva Abe, A. and Ricci-Júnior, E. and Teixeira Lima Castelo Branco, M. and de Brito- Gitirana, L. MIM.3.P047 Action of Zinc(II)phthalocyanine free or encapsulated into nanoparticles of poly-e-caprolactone internalized by peritoneal macrophages.

Schattschneider, P. From form factors to vortex electrons: Following Ariadne's thread.

Schattschneider, P. and Schachinger, T. and Stöger-Pollach, M. and Löffler, S. and Steiger-Thirsfeld, A. and Bliokh, K. MIM.6.082 Mode conversion, peculiar rotations, and the Landau-Zeeman-Berry phase in electron vortex beams.

Schmitt, R. and Schenk, F. MIM.6.P088 Piezo-based focusing solution for high-speed scanning of microtiter plates with a continuously moving scanning stage.

Schroeder-Reiter, E. and Wanner, G. MIM.1.003 High resolution structural analysis of a centromere-specific histone H3 in mitotic plant chromosomes with FIB/FESEM tomography.

Schubert, W. and Gieseler, A. and Hillert, R. and Krusche, A. MIM.2.021 Direct, spatial imaging of randomly large supermolecules by using parameter unlimited TIS imaging cycler microscopy.

Schäfer, N. MIM.4.P060 Structure-property relationships in thin-film solar cells by scanning electron microscopy in combination with focused ion beam.

Schönhense, G. and Medjanik, K. and de Loos, M. and van der Geer, B. MIM.2.022 Correction of the “Deterministic” Part of Space-Charge Interaction in Momentum Microscopy of Charged Particles.

Sekkoum, K. MIM.5.P074 Microscopic study of Calcium Oxalate Crystallization in presence of Triticum aestivum L extract.

Shawrav, M.M. and Wanzenböck, H. and Belic, D. and Gavagnin, M. and Bertagnolli, E. MIM.1.P012 3-dimenstional Processing and Imaging of Gold and Platinum Nanostructures with a SEM.

Simon, P. and Gruner, D. and Rosseeva, E. and Kai, O. and Rödel, G. MIM.5.P076 Calcite mineralisation of bacterial surface-layer proteins.

Smith, A.J. and Kleindiek, S. and Renka, G. and Lieb, A. and Dadras, M. and Schock, K. MIM.4.P056 Integrating 3D surface imaging with FIB/SEM microscopy.

Springer, A. and Scholz, S. and Kühnel, D. and Busch, W. and Mackenzie, K. and Bleyl, S. and Duis, K. and Weil, M. and Gelinsky, M. MIM.3.037 Visualisation of the attachment, possible uptake and distribution of ferric based technical nanoparticles on small test organisms with electron microscopy methods.


Tejada, A. and den Dekker, A.J. MIM.2.023 A New Method of Online Specimen Drift Compensation in TEM.


Umemura, K. and Haneda, T. and Tanabe, M. and Suzuki, A. and Kumashiro, Y. and Itoga, K. and Okano, T. and Mayama, S. MIM.7.P111 Trajectory analysis of Navicula pavillardii cells by using semicircular microgrooves.

Uslu, U. and Gonca, S. and Onan, I.S. and Onan, B. and Kilickan, L. MIM.6.P094 Quantification of Apoptotic Cell Death of Using the Internal Thoracic Artery in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG).


Vanhecke, D. and Rodriguez-Lorenzo, L. and Kinnear, C. and Rothen-Rutishauser, B. and Petri-Fink, A. MIM.3.P044 Unbiased estimation of surface area of single gold nanostars.

Villinger, C. and Neusser, G. and Kranz, C. and Mizaikoff, B. and von Einem, J. and Mertens, T. and Walther, P. MIM.1.004 Focussed ion beam/scanning electron microscopy (FIB/SEM) has the potential of a powerful tool in virus research.

Visnjar, T. and Erdani Kreft, M. MIM.6.P093 Chitosan disrupts urinary bladder urothelium regardless of the differentiation stage of superficial urothelial cells.

Voigt, T. MIM.4.053 How to implement a virtual correlative light and electron microscope.


Wacker, I. and Bartels, C. and Grabher, C. and Schertel, A. and Schroeder, R. MIM.1.002 Finding the needle in the haystack: Hierarchical imaging workflow combining array tomography with FIB-SEM.

Warkentin, M. and Specht, O. and Trostmann, D. and Ottl, P. and Geis-Gerstorfer, J. and Rosentritt, M. and Behrend, D. MIM.5.P075 Acoustic microscopy - a powerful tool for teeth characterization and dental materials development.

Weinhausen, B. and Brennich, M. and Piazza, V. and Köster, S. MIM.7.101 X-Ray Nano-Imaging of Biomatter and Cells.

Wigge, C. and Akemeier, D. and Hütten, A. and Frangakis, A. MIM.1.P016 Focused Ion Beam Tomography as a versatile tool in basic biomedical research.

Willig, KI and Steffens, H and Hell, SW MIM.2.020 STED nanoscopy of the living mouse brain.

Wirtz, T. and Dowsett, D. and Fleming, Y. and Philipp, P. MIM.4.052 Correlative microscopy using SIMS for high-sensitivity elemental mapping.


Zankel, A. and Mayrhofer, C. and Reingruber, H. and Wernitznig, S. and Leitinger, G. and Poelt, P. MIM.1.P010 Serial block-face scanning electron microscopy (SBEM) of soft materials for 3D reconstruction - How to get contrast.

Zeelen, J. and Schmid, C. and Grabenbauer, M. and Schröder, R. MIM.4.051 Correlative Light and Low-Voltage Scanning Electron Microscopy.

Zubin Ferri, T. MIM.6.P083 Chemical characterization of painting layers by means of electron and FT-IR microscopy.

This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 15:10:33 2025 CET.